Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Night World : Secret Vampire Chapter 15

â€Å"Come on, it's okay,† Thea said. She seemed to be aboutPoppy's age, but she had a gentle, sensible air that gaveher authority. â€Å"Sit down. Here.† She set Poppy on ashabby couch and extended her wrist. Poppy stared atthe wrist for an instant and then remembered. James, giving her blood from his arm. Thatwashow to do it. Friendly andcivilized. She could see pale blue veins under the skin. And that sight blasted away the last of her hesitation. Instinct took over and she grabbed Thea's arm. Thenext thing she knew she was drinking. Warm salty-sweetness. -Life. Relief from pain. It was so good that Poppy could almost cry. No wonder vampires hated humans, she thought dimly. Humansdidn't have to hunt for this marvelous stuff; theywere full of it already. But, another part of her mind pointed out, Theawasn't a human. She was a witch. Strange, becauseher blood tasted exactly the same. Poppy's every sense confirmed it. So witches are just humans, but humans with special powers, Poppy thought. Interesting. It took an effort to control herself, to know whento stop. But she did stop. She let go of Thea's wrist and sat back, a little embarrassed, licking her lips andteeth. She didn't want to meet Thea's brown eyes. It was only then that she realized she'd been keeping her thoughts shielded during the entire process.There had been no mental connection as there had been when she shared blood with James. So she'dmastered one vampire power already. Faster than James or Ash had expected. And she felt good now. Energetic enough to do theNetherlands skippy dance. Confident enough to smileat Thea. â€Å"Thank you,† she said. Thea smiled back, as if she found Poppy odd orquaint, but nice. She didn't seem suspicious. â€Å"It'sokay,† she said, flexing her wrist and grimacinggently. For the first time Poppy was able to look aroundher. This room was more like a living room than partof a shop. Besides the couch there was a TV andseveral chairs. At the far end was a large table withcandles and incense burning. â€Å"This is the teaching room,† Thea said. â€Å"Grandmadoes spells here and lets the students hang out.† â€Å"And the other part is a store,† Poppy said, cautiously because she didn't know what she was supposed to know. Thea didn't look surprised. â€Å"Yes. I know you wouldn't thinkthere'd be enough witches around here to keep us in business, but actually they come from all over the country. Grandma's famous. Andher students buy a lot.† Poppy nodded, looking properly impressed. Shedidn't dare ask more questions, but her chilly hearthad warmed just a tiny bit. All Night People weren'tharsh and evil. She had the feeling she could be friends with this girl if given the chance. Maybe she could make it in the Night World after all. â€Å"Well,thanksagain,† she murmured softly. â€Å"Don't mention it. But don't let Ash get you rundown like that, either. He's soirresponsible.† â€Å"You wound me, Thea. You really do,† Ash said.He was standing in the doorway, holding the beadcurtain open with one hand. â€Å"But come to think ofit, I'm feeling a little run down myself†¦.† He raisedhis eyebrows insinuatingly. â€Å"Go jump in Lake Mead, Ash,† Thea said sweetly. Ash looked innocent and yearning. â€Å"Just a littlebite. A nibble. A nip,† he said. â€Å"You have such apretty white throat†¦.† â€Å"Who does?† Blaise said, pushing her way throughthe other half of the bead curtain. Poppy had the feeling she was only speaking to focus attention onherself. She stood in the center of the room andshook back her long black hair with the air of a girlused to attention. â€Å"You both do,† Ash said gallantly. Then he seemed to remember Poppy. â€Å"And, of course, this littledreamer has a pretty white everything.† Blaise, who had been smiling, now looked sour.She stared at Poppy long and hard. With dislikeand something else. Suspicion. Dawning suspicion. Poppy could feelit. Blaise's thoughts were brightand sharp andmalicious,like jagged glass. Then suddenly Blaise smiled again. She looked atAsh. â€Å"I suppose you've come for the party,† she said.†No. What party?† Blaise sighed in a way that emphasized her lowcut blouse. â€Å"The Solstice party, of course. Thierry'sgiving a big one. Everybody willbe there.† Ash looked tempted. In the dim light of the teaching room his eyes gleamed dark. Then he shook hishead. â€Å"No, can't make it. Sorry. I'm going to show Poppythe town.† â€Å"Well, you can do that and still come to the partylater. It won't really get going until after midnight.†Blaise was staring at Ash with an odd insistence. Ashbit his lip, then shook his head again, smiling. â€Å"Well, maybe,† he said. â€Å"I'll see how things go.† Poppy knew he was saying more than that. Someunspoken message seemed to be passing betweenhim and Blaise. But it wasn't telepathic, and Poppy couldn't pick it up. â€Å"Well, have a good time,† Thea said, and gavePoppy a quick smile as Ash piloted her away. Ash peered ahead at the Strip. â€Å"If we hurry wecan watch the volcano erupting,† he said. Poppy gavehim a look, but didn't ask. Instead, she said, â€Å"What's a Solstice party?† â€Å"Summer solstice. The longest day of the year. It'sa holiday for the Night People. Like Groundhog Dayfor humans.† ?Why?† â€Å"Oh, it always has been. It's very magical, youknow. I'd take you to the party, but it would be toodangerous. Thierry's a vampire Elder.† Then he said, â€Å"Here's the volcano.† It was a volcano. In front of a hotel. Waterfallscrashed down its sides, and red lights shone from thecone. Ash double-parked across the street. â€Å"You see, we've got a great view right here,† hesaid. â€Å"All the comforts of home.† The volcano was emitting rumbling sounds. AsPoppy watched in disbelief, a pillar of fire shot outof the top. Real fire. Then the waterfalls caught fire.Red and gold flames spread down the sides of the black rock until the entire lake around the' volcanowas ablaze. â€Å"Inspiring, isn't it?† Ash asked, very close to herear. â€Å"Well-it's†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Thrilling?† Ash inquired. â€Å"Stimulating? Rousing?† His arm was creeping around her, and his voicewas sweetly hypnotic. Poppy didn't say anything. â€Å"You know,† Ash murmured, â€Å"you can see a lotbetter if you get over here. I don't mind crowding.† His arm was urging her gently but inevitably closer. His breath ruffled her hair. Poppy slammed an elbow into his stomach. â€Å"Hey!†Ash yelped-in genuine pain, Poppy thought. Good. He'd dropped his arm and now he was looking ather with aggrieved brown eyes. â€Å"What did you do that for?† â€Å"Because I feltlike it,† Poppy said smartly. She was tingling with new blood and ready for a fight. â€Å"Look,Ash, I don't know what gave you the idea that I'm your date here. But I'm telling you right now thatI'm not. â€Å" Ash tilted his head and smiledpainfully.†You justdon't know me well enough,† he offered. â€Å"When weget to know each other-â€Å" â€Å"No.Never. I'm not interested in other guys. If Ican't have James †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Poppy had to stop and steady her voice. â€Å"There's nobody else I want,† she saidfinally,flatly. â€Å"Nobody.† â€Å"Well, not now, maybe, but-â€Å" â€Å"Never.†She didn't know how to explain. Thenshe had an idea. â€Å"You know the soulmate principle?† Ash opened his mouth and then shut it. Openedit again. â€Å"Oh, no. Not thatgarbage.† â€Å"Yes. James is my soulmate. I'm sorry if it soundsstupid, but it's true.† Ash put a hand to his forehead. Then he started to laugh. â€Å"You're serious.† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"And that's your final word.† â€Å"Yes.† Ash laughed again, sighed, and cast his eyes upward. â€Å"Okay. Okay. I should have known.† He chuckled in what seemed like self-derision. Poppy was relieved. She'd been afraid he'd be disgruntled and huffy-or mean.Despite his charm, shecould always feel something cold running below thesurface in Ash, like an icy river. But now he seemed perfectly good-humored.†Okay,† he said. â€Å"So if romance isn't on the menu, let's go to the party.† â€Å"I thought you said it was too dangerous.† He waved a hand. â€Å"That was a little fib. To get youalone, you know.† He glanced sideways at her.†Sorry.† Poppy hesitated. She didn't care about a party. Butshe didn't want to be alone with Ash, either. â€Å"Maybe you should just take me back to your cousins' place.† â€Å"They won't bethere,† Ash said. â€Å"I'm sure they've gone to the party by now. Oh, come on, it'll be fun. Give me a chance to make things up to you.† Thin curls of uneasiness were roiling inside Poppy. But Ash looked so penitent and persuasive †¦andwhat other choice did she have? â€Å"Okay,† she said finally. â€Å"For just a little while.†Ash gave a dazzling smile. â€Å"Just a very littlewhile,† he said. â€Å"So they could be anywhere on the Strip,†James said. Thea sighed. â€Å"I'm sorry. I should have known Ashwas up to something. But hijacking your girlfriend†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She lifted her hands in a what-next gesture. â€Å"Forwhat it's worth, she didn't seem very interested inhim. If he's planning to put the moves on her, he'sgoing to get a surprise.† Yes, James thought, and so is she. Poppy was onlyuseful to Ash as long as Ash thought he could playwith her. Once he realized he couldn't†¦ He didn't want to think about what would happenthen. A quick visit to the nearest Elder, he supposed. His heart was pounding, and there was a ringingin his ears. â€Å"Did Blaise go with them?† he asked. â€Å"No, she went to the Solstice party. She tried to get Ash to go, but he said he wanted to show Poppythe town.† Thea paused, raising a finger. â€Å"Waityou might check at the party. Ash said he might stopin later.† James spent a moment forcing himself to breathe.Then he said, verygently, â€Å"And just who is giving this party?† â€Å"Thierry Descouedres. He always has a big one.†Ã¢â‚¬ And he's an Elder.† â€Å"What?† â€Å"Nothing. Never mind.† James backed out of theshop. â€Å"Thanks for the help. I'll be in touch.†Ã¢â‚¬ James†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She looked at him helplessly. â€Å"Do youwant to come in and sit down? You don't lookvery well†¦.† â€Å"I'm fine,† James said, already out the door.In the car he said, â€Å"You can get up now.† Phillip emerged from the floor of the backseatwhere he'd been hiding. â€Å"What's happening? Youwere gone a long time.† â€Å"I think I know where Poppy is.†Ã¢â‚¬ You just think?† â€Å"Shut up, Phil.† He didn't have energy for exchanging insults. He was entirely focused on Poppy.†Okay, so where is she?† James spoke precisely. â€Å"She is either now, or shewilll be later, at a party. A very large party, filled with vampires. And at least one Elder. The perfect placeto expose her.† Phil gulped. â€Å"And you think that's what Ash is going to do?† â€Å"I know that's what Ash is going to do.† â€Å"Then we've got to stop him.† â€Å"We may be too late.† The party was strange. Poppy was amazed at howyoung most of the people were. There were a few scattered adults, but far more teenagers. â€Å"Made vampires,† Ash explained obligingly. Poppyremembered what James had said-made vampiresremained forever the age of their death, but lamiacould stop aging anytime. She supposed that meantthat James could get as old as he wanted, while she would be stuck at sixteen eternally. Not that it mattered. If she and James were going to be together,they could both stay young-but apart, maybe he'd want to age. But it was odd to see a guy who looked about nineteen talking earnestly with a little kid wholooked about four. The kid was cute, with shiny black hair and tilted eyes, but there was something at onceinnocent and cruel in his expression. â€Å"Let's see, now that's Circe. A witch of renown.And that's Sekhmet, a shapeshifter. You don't want to get hermad,† Ash said genially.He and Poppy were standing in a little anteroom, looking down a level into the main room of the house. Of the mansion, rather. It was the most opulent private residence Poppy had ever seen–and she'd seen Bel Airand BeverlyHills. â€Å"Okay,† Poppy said, looking in the general?direc tion he was pointing. She saw two tall and lovelygirls, but she had no idea which was which. â€Å"And that's Thierry, our host. He's an Elder.† An Elder? The guy Ash was indicating didn't seemolder than nineteen. He was beautiful, like all thevampires, tall and blond and pensive. Almost sadlooking. â€Å"How old ishe?† â€Å"Oh, I forget. He got bitten by an ancestress ofmine a long time ago. Back when people lived incaves.† Poppy thought he was joking. But maybe not. â€Å"What do the Elders do, exactly?† â€Å"They just make rules. And see that people keepthem.† An odd smile was playing around Ash's lips. He turned to look directly at Poppy. With the black eyes of a snake.That was when Poppy knew. She backed away rapidly. But Ash came after her,just as rapidly. She saw a door on the other side of the anteroom and headed for it. Got through it. Onlyto find herself on a balcony. With her eyes, she measured the distance to the ground. But before she could make another move, Ash had her arm. Don't fight yet, her mind counseled desperately. He's strong. Wait for an opportunity. She made herself relax a fraction and met Ash's dark gaze. â€Å"You brought me here.† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"To hand me over.†He smiled.†But why?† Ash threw back his head and laughed. It waslovely, melodious laughter, and it made Poppy sick. â€Å"You're a human,† he said. â€Å"Or you should be. James should never have done what he did.†Poppy's heart was racing, but her mind was oddlyclear. Maybe she'd known all along that this was what he was going to do. Maybe it was even the rightthing to do. If she couldn't be with James and she couldn't be with her family, did the rest really matter? Did she wantto live in the Night World if it wasfull of people like Blaise and Ash? â€Å"So you don't care about James, either,† she said.†You're willing to put him in danger to get rid of me.† Ash considered, then grinned. â€Å"James can takecare of himself,† he said. Which was obviously Ash's entire philosophy. Everybody took care of themselves, and nobody helpedanybody else. â€Å"And Blaise knew, too,† Poppy said. â€Å"She knew what you were going to do and she didn't care.† â€Å"Not much gets past Blaise,† Ash said. He startedto say something else-and Poppy saw her chance. She kicked-hard. And twisted at the same time.Trying to get over the balcony rail. â€Å"Stay here,† James said to Phil before the car had evenstopped. They were in front of a huge white mansionfringed with palm trees. James threw the door open,but took the time to say again, â€Å"Stay here.No matter what happens, don't go in that house. And if somebodybesides me comes up to the car, drive away.† â€Å"But-â€Å" â€Å"Just do it, Phil! Unless you want to find out aboutdeath firsthand-tonight.† James set out at a dead run for the mansion. Hewas too intent to really notice the sound of a cardoor opening behind him. â€Å"And you looked like such a nice girl,† Ash gasped.He had both of Poppy's arms behind her back andwas trying to get out of the range of her feet.†No-no, quit that, now.† He was too strong. There was nothing Poppy coulddo. Inch by inch he was dragging her back into theanteroom. You might as well give up, Poppy's mind told her.It's useless. You're done. She could picture the whole thing: herself being dragged out in front of all of those sleek and handsome Night People and revealed. She could picturetheir pitiless eyes. That pensive-looking guy wouldwalk up to her and his face would change and hewouldn't look pensive anymore. He'd look savage.His teeth would grow. His eyes would go silvery.Then he'd snarl–and strike. And that would be the end of Poppy. Maybe that wasn't the way they did it, maybe theyexecuted criminals some other way in the NightWorld. But it wouldn't be pleasant, whatever it was. And I won't makeiteasyfor you!Poppy thought. Shethought it directly at Ash, throwing all of her angerand grief and betrayal at him. Instinctively. Like akid shouting in a temper tantrum. Except it had an effect shouting usually didn't. Ash flinched. He almost lost his grip on her arms. It was only a momentary weakening, but it wasenough for Poppy's eyes to widen. I hurt him. Ihurthim! She stopped struggling physically in that same instant. She put all her concentration, all her energy,into a mental explosion. A thought-bomb. LET GO OF ME YOU ROTTEN VAMPIRE CREEP! Ash staggered. Poppy did it again, this time makingher thought a fire hose, a high-power jetstreambombardment. LET G000000000000! Ash let go. Then, as Poppy ran out of steam, hetried in afumblingway to reach her again. â€Å"I don't think so,† a voice as cold as steel said.Poppy looked into the anteroom and saw James. Her heart lurched violently. And then, withoutconsciously being aware of moving, she was in hisarms. Oh, James, how did youfind me? All he kept saying was Are you all right? â€Å"Yes,† Poppy said finally, aloud. It was indescribably good to be with him again, to be held by him.Like waking up from a nightmare to see your mothersmiling. She buried her face in his neck. â€Å"You're sure you're all right?† â€Å"Yes. Yes.† â€Å"Good. Then just hang on a moment while I kill this guy and we'll go.† He was absolutely serious. Poppy could feel it in his thoughts, in every muscle and sinew of his body.He wanted to murder Ash. She lifted her head at the sound of Ash's laugh.†Well, it ought to be a good fight, anyway,† Ashsaid. No, Poppy thought. Ash was looking silky and dangerous and in a very bad mood. And even if James could beat him, James was going to get hurt. Evenif she and James fought him together, there was going to be some damage. â€Å"Let's just go,† she said to James. â€Å"Quick.† Sheadded silently, Ithink he wants to keep us around untilsomebody from the party gets here. â€Å"No, no,† Ash said, in gloatingly enthusiastic tones.†Let's settle this like vampires.† â€Å"Let's not,† said a breathless familiar voice. Poppy'shead jerked around. Climbing over the railing of thebalcony, dusty but triumphant, was Phil. â€Å"Don't you everlisten?† James said to him. â€Å"Well, well,† Ash said. â€Å"A human in an Elder'shouse. What arewe going to do about that?† â€Å"Look, buddy,† Phil said, still breathless, brushingoff his hands. â€Å"I don't know who you are or whathorse you rode in on. But that's my sisterthere you're messing with, and I figure I've got the first right to knock your head off.† There was a pause while Poppy, James, and Ash all looked at him. The pause stretched. Poppy wasaware of a sudden, completely inappropriate impulse to laugh. Then she realized that James was fightingdesperately not to crack a smile. Ash just looked Phil up and down, then looked atJames sideways. â€Å"Does this guyunderstandabout vampires?† hesaid. â€Å"Oh, yeah,† James said blandly. â€Å"And he's going to knock my head in?† â€Å"Yeah,† Phil said, and cracked his knuckles. â€Å"What's so surprising about that?† There was another pause.Poppycould feel minute tremors going through James. Choked-back laughter.At last James said, admirably sober, â€Å"Philreally feelsstrongly about his sister.† Ash looked at Philonce more, then at James, andfinally at Poppy. â€Å"Well †¦ there are three of you,† he said. â€Å"Yes, there are,† James said, genuinely sober now. Grim. â€Å"So I guess you do have me at a disadvantage. Allright,I giveup.† He lifted his hands and thendropped them. â€Å"Go on, scram. I won't fight.† â€Å"And you won't tell on us, either,† James said. Itwasn't a request. â€Å"I wasn't going to anyway,† Ash said. He had onhis most innocent and guileless expression. â€Å"I knowyou think I brought Poppy here to expose her, but I really wasn't going to go through with it. I was justhaving fun. The whole thing was just a joke.† â€Å"Oh, sure,† Phil said. â€Å"Don't even bother lying,† James said. But Poppy, oddly, wasn't as certain as they were.She looked at Ash's wide eyes-his wide violeteyes-and felt doubt slosh back and forth inside her. It was hard to read him, as it had been hard allalong. Maybe because he always meant everythinghe said at the time he said it–or maybe because he nevermeant anything he said. No matter which,, he was the most irritating, frustrating, impossible personshe'd ever met. â€Å"Okay, we're going now,† James said. â€Å"We're goingto walk very quietly and calmly right through that littleroom and down the hall, and we're not going to stopfor anything-Phillip.Unless you'd rather go back downthe way you came up,† he added. Phil shook his head. James gathered Poppy in hisarm again, but he paused and looked back at Ash. â€Å"You know, you've never really cared about anyone,† he said. â€Å"But someday you will, and it's goingto hurt. It's going to hurt-a lot.† Ash looked back at him, and Poppy could readnothing in his ever-changing eyes. But just as Jamesturned again, he said, â€Å"I think you're a lousyprophet. But your girlfriend's a good one. You mightwant to ask her about her dreams sometime.† James stopped. He frowned. â€Å"What?† â€Å"And you, little dreamer, you might want to check out your family tree. You have a very loud yell.† He smiled at Poppy engagingly. â€Å"Bye now.† James stayed for another minute or so, just staringat his cousin. Ash gazed serenely back. Poppycounted heartbeats while the two of them stoodmotionless. Then James shook himself slightly and turnedPoppy toward the anteroom. Phil followed right on their heels. They walked out of the house very quietly andvery calmly. No one tried to stop them. But Poppy didn't feel safe until they were on theroad. â€Å"What did he mean with that crack about the family tree?† Phil asked from the backseat. James gave him an odd look, but answered with aquestion. â€Å"Phil, how did you know where to findPoppy in that house? Did you see her on the balcony?† â€Å"No, I just followed the shouting.† Poppy turned around to look at him.James said, â€Å"What shouting?† â€Å"Theshouting. Poppy shouting. ‘Let go of me yourotten vampire creep.†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ Poppy turned to James. â€Å"Should hehave been ableto hear it? I thought I was just yelling at Ash. Dideverybody at the party hear?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"But, then–â€Å" James cut her off. â€Å"What dream was Ash talkingabout?† â€Å"Just a dream I had,† Poppy said, bewildered. â€Å"Idreamed about him before I actually met him.† James's expression was now verypeculiar. â€Å"Oh,did you?† â€Å"Yes. James, what's this all about? What did hemean, I should check my family tree?† â€Å"He meant that you-and Philaren't human after all. Somewhere among your ancestors there'sa witch.†

Equality and Diversity Essay

You should use this file to complete your Assessment. †¢ The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk †¢ Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly †¢ When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference †¢ Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your teacher via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Name: Claire-Louise 1. What is meant by diversity? Diversity means differences such as different religious beliefs, different cultural traditions, music, art, dancing etc. In the context of society and culture, diversity is usually mentioned in discussing multicultural societies. 2. Describe the community you live in. Highlight some of the variations you may observe in terms of: †¢ Interests †¢ Beliefs †¢ Ages †¢ Lifestyles †¢ Personal, social and cultural identities. The area I live in I don’t really know if there Is anyone who doesn’t believe in god there is a church but its closed even on Sundays there isn’t that much in my area there is a place to worship its quite big there are always a lot off people going but I don’t know any there are all from other local areas where there is nowhere to worship. 3. Explain how the variations in question 2 contribute to the diversity of the community. Because if there is places to worship you can make some more friends, brings the community together more, lets you meet new people, meet the people who liver in your area who maybe have the same beliefs or same religion as you . I have experienced something like this before to see what it was like for other religions meeting we went every Saturday to this Senegal in Whitley bay with a group of Muslims we wore the same clothes as them and lived like they did for a few hours it’s a great experience it makes you realise that everyone is the same and you shouldn’t judge people we found out how hard it was to be a Muslim , like what there not aloud to eat and drink during fasting is the hardest time . 4. Give some examples to explain how diversity: †¢ Enhances your life: †¢ Enhances the local community †¢ Enhances this country. 5. Describe what it means to respect people’s differences and why it is important to respect differences. Because they may feel like there not wanted always remember the saying every one is equal and the same never judge someone by looks or culture because YOU don’t know how hard it might be for them they walk past people in the street think off the names they get called it may not be there own country but not all religion are the same some people are good and bad but you cant blame whats happened with the bad people on the good people because its not there fault they always get mistreated and judged for no reason. 6. For a person you know, describe the individual factors that make him / her who they are. 7. Describe yourself in terms of: †¢ Personal interests My personal interests are music I enjoy doing drumming, I have a lesson once a week, I also enjoy animals we have a snake 2cats and 2 dogs. †¢ Religion / culture I’m not a religious person I don’t really know what to believe as I have heard a lot in the past. †¢ Geography. 8. What is meant by having multiple identities? Give three examples in relation to people you know. Example 1: My brother has a multiple identity because when he is with his friends he does not speak to me but when its just me and him he’s really chatty. Example 2: when there is a sad or scary movie on I mask my feelings by laughing at it. Instead of crying or being sad Example 3: one of my friends thinks she is hard in front of her boyfriend 9. What is meant by shared identity? Shared Identity is when any one person has many defining characteristics and qualities. It is more then likely that the person will have the same characteristics as one or more other people. So when people have a characteristic in common its known as a shared identity. ( like twins) 10. Explain and give examples of how an individual can identify themselves as belonging to a number of different groups. who we are depends upon where we are at school, at home, at grandmas and at work. who we are depends upon who we are with. 11. Describe yourself in terms of your multiple identities. 12. What is meant by stereotyping and labelling? Stereotyping is where you judge people because of who they are maybe if there not the same as you for example (gay – people may think that all lesbians are butch.) 13. Explain why some people stereotype others. Small minded people oftern steryotype others because they have never ventured out off there own little area and seen the real world. 14. Provide two examples of the damaging effects that stereotyping and labelling can have on people. 15. Provide at least two examples of the way stereotyping is perpetuated in society. 16. Define prejudice and discrimination. 17. Explain how people may develop prejudices. 18. Describe the following types of discrimination. 19. What is meant by the term protected characteristics? 20. What is the difference between direct and indirect discrimination? Give two examples to illustrate your point. 21. Describe the effects that discrimination and prejudice can have on people. 22. Describe what equal opportunities means in relation to: †¢ Education †¢ Housing †¢ Healthcare †¢ Employment. 23. Outline the inequality problems that persist in terms of pay for men and women. 24. Identify and briefly describe two other signs of inequality. Once you have completed this Assessment, go to and send your work to your teacher for marking.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Why I Am in College

Channy Dr. Broussard 02/19/2013 The reason why I’m in college is for to better myself by obtaining a degree in Elementary Education, to show my family that I can achieve a degree and for my children. I been out of school for twelve years so this was a big step for me. Trying to juggle college and working full-time is going to be a challenge. I am in college because it is the best way for me to get a high paying job.By going to school and obtaining a bachelor’s degree in education I will be doing what it takes to accomplish my goals. Pie- In order to become a teacher, I’ll have to go to a four year university, pass the Praxis, and the state board. Illustration- The information one learns in college classes will prepare them to teach because it provides the framework for future knowledge and growth. Explanation- Getting a degree is important to me because it allows me to follow in my mother footsteps and teach young children.In order to become a teacher, I’l l have to go to a four-year university, pass the Praxis, and the state board. The information one learns in college classes prepare them to teach because it provides the framework for future knowledge and growth. If I do not acquire this information I will be unfit to teach in a classroom setting. Getting a degree is important to me because it allows me to follow in my mother footsteps and teach young children.

Monday, July 29, 2019

DQ Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

DQ - Assignment Example Q2. No, all businesses do not have the same functional areas. The functional areas in a business would depend on the size and need (Singla, 2009). With variation in size, larger organizations tend to have more and independent functional areas such as marketing and sales, production, customer service and human resources than their smaller counterparts. For example, Apple Inc., a technological firm, has information and technology department to undertake its ICT functions (Apple Inc., 2015). However, a small scale fisherman would not have such a functional area as the business does not need to leverage on information technology to execute its functions. Q3. At Apple Inc., functional areas are interdependent, with Design relying on Human Resources to attract the rightful personnel to undertake its mandate and Finance dependent on Sales to meet the financial obligations of the corporation among others (Apple Inc., 2015). Thus, for a consultant, there would be need to understand all the various functional areas of the organization before offering the needed services. This follows the argument by Srivastava and Verma (2012) that such a consultant would have to consider a problem from the perspective of the organization as a whole, factoring in the interest of all functional areas to reach a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Spain and its unemployment problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Spain and its unemployment problems - Essay Example Causes of high unemployment rates in Spain There have been high reported incidences of unemployment throughout the entire region of the European Union and Spain being among the countries highly affected by the issue. According to data collected by the economics ministry, the rate of unemployment varies among the countries in European Union. For example, it indicated that by then, the rate of unemployment in Luxembourg was 13%, while the rate of unemployment in Spain was 24%. Therefore, there must be different internal factors in Spain, which contributes to the increase of unemployment rates.These factors include; Spain faces high rates of unemployment due to Real Wage Unemployment. This is a dis-equilibrium unemployment, which happens when the required real wages for a given jobs are above the market clearing level. This type of unemployment in Spain results from trade unions and other wages boards. Secondly, Spain records high rates of unemployment because of demand deficient unempl oyment, which lowers the demand for both the goods and services produced within the country. Economic recession experienced in Spain contributes to this problem as they results into many companies closing up their businesses hence putting off workers. Thirdly, Spain has high rates of unemployment rates resulting from frictional unemployment. This type of unemployment occurs when people change jobs. It can also occur when fresh graduates from universities take a lot of time while in search of an appropriate job that has attractive wages hence being among the unemployed. Finally, incidences of unemployment are high in Spain due low quality and poorly designed... Unemployment refers to an economic indicator that measures the persons who are willing and capable of working but they cannot due to inadequate jobs. According to the report released by the Economy minister in Spain, the country is experiencing high rates of recession, which will result into an increase in the unemployment rates. The rate of unemployment in the country has highly increased to 25%; hence, negatively affecting its financial status. In Spain, the rate of unemployment is elevated amidst women than men. This is because in 2012, the total unemployed men accounts for 23.60% as women accounts for 24.60% (Dobre& Adriana 184). The rate of unemployment is very high among the youths, which shows the difficulties that young people encounter in search of jobs. Spain has also recorded an inflation rate of 1.9 %. Since 2002 up to 2012, the highest inflation rate was 5.3 % recorded in July 2008 while the lowest was 1.4% recorded in July 2009 (Osuna 43). Therefore, it is important for Spain’s government to introduce control bank monetary policy in order to maintain price stability so that the inflation rates can be below and close to 2% as increase in inflation rate increases the rate of unemployment in a given state (Osuna 43).As a means of solving the issue of unemployment in Spain, the government should ensure that it fosters economic growth because it highly generates more jobs. This means that the legislative authorities should study their economic process and introduce impetus to the economy including buying debts from agencies for them to hire.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

PROJECT PROPOSAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

PROJECT PROPOSAL - Essay Example The ability of the virtual server to keep resources separate is a strong element. Feasibility studies done shows that there is a tremendous advantage with virtualization. Costs, space, resource and skills requirements, company acceptance and cost to benefit appraisals indicate a necessity to move to this technology of cloud computing with single servers. This project intends to begin by eliminating the old one with one server, one application and replace with a multiple virtual computers. This will free IT administrators from spending time on server management instead of engaging in innovations. In addition the project will see a successful transformation of client server operations from uni-servers to multiple servers. The project will require budgetary allocation of computer hardware’s and OS, IT and logistical support staff and space. The project is expected to have all the servers consolidated into one which ultimately aid in data recovery during disasters, save energy and costs. The functions of staff shall be diversified with reduced server functions. The project is also expected to run multiple operating systems, create virtual PC environments, perform and run enterprise applications, built up enterprise desktop management and control. In additional, the virtual systems should be able to construct business continuity by improving disaster recovery solutions and bringing forth excellent availability throughout the data zones. The project is anticipated to be carried out in 3 weeks with the work broken down in logical sequencing maximizing the staff specific skills and ability to work as a team to realize the objectives of the project. All the project stake holders will be communicated to through appropriate and suitable communication channels. Besides, work will be measured through work done against the planned tasks, while costs will be monitored with those budgeted for. These aspects will form the basis for monitoring and evaluating the results a gainst planned outcomes and expectations of the key stakeholders. Case I:Westminster College- A server virtualization project success story Westminster College is a classic case of based server consolidation initiative. This project allowed for disposal of aged servers that were still hosting web applications and were therefore in the process to re-engineering. The idea of new servers purchase was not conceivable hence rethinking of virtualization was imperative. The project manager had great task of assembling resources, doing feasibility studies and fact finding mission of cost benefit analysis of the Westminster college virtualization project. The phase out project greatly intertwined support services with different processes like portal application thus exceeding the time planned for project completion. The project manager had to ensure timely completion of the project. However, intertwined processes delayed actual completion of the exercise. The success of the project was in it s work breakdown, the project manager had a strong desire to transform deliverables without upsetting the budget. The project considerably reduced electrical costs and did not have to reroute all the existing services. To ensure that the project met specifications, phase one roll out formed a basis for configuring other applications. The Westminster Colle

Friday, July 26, 2019

Invention of Press and Advertisement Technology Essay

Invention of Press and Advertisement Technology - Essay Example The parts of the Columbian printing press included the American eagle perching rebelliously with not only outstretched wings but also open beak on the focal counterbalance lever. The eagle acted as a counterbalance weight that was adjusted by sliding it along the focal counterbalance lever (Mullins 17). The clutching of a flight of Jove’s thunderbolts by the eagle’s talons represents war while on the contrary the olive branch of peace, as well as Horn of Plenty, signifies prosperity. The main counterbalance is tipped in one of its ends to form an arrow that rests in the horn-like opening of the crescent moon. The other end of the counterbalance is coiled to form something like a dolphin; its open jaws suitably hold the hook that connects it with the top end of the great lever (Mullins 17). A similar creature (dolphin) also extends along the top front of the great lever. The Columbian has two pillars that are decorated with the caduceus. The right-hand pillar also has a conventional ear of wheat near its top. The type table of the Columbian was also made out of iron, and it was wound below the printing platen (Mullins 17). Printing of the materials was enhanced by exerting force through a wood on the printing table. The Columbian printing press stands on four legs made of iron. The ends of the legs are molded to form something like the paws of a lion. Despite proving to be a bit faster than the past printers, advancement in technology led to other inventions that led to the abandonment of the use of weights and levers. For instance, mechanization of printing was started in 1824. As a result of this, gears and power were added to the wooden-framed platen press. This type of press led to the production of high-quality prints in the nineteenth century. The new media today incorporates computers into the printing process. The balancing of the elements for quality production of prints is not done physically by balancing weights. The development of electronic devices in addition to other technological devices has led to the evolution of printing.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Economic Theories of Adam Smith Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economic Theories of Adam Smith - Research Paper Example Economic Theories of Adam Smith This report will discuss different economic theories by Adam Smith, a Scottish philosopher. Adam Smith is the founder of a free-market capitalism. He is also the father of modern classical economics and a proponent of laissez faire economic policies. His arguments against mercantilism made him the father of modern economics. The Scottish philosopher spent many years teaching and publishing some of his lectures in the â€Å"Theory of Moral Sentiments† in 1759. The material gained ground and laid the foundation for the publication of â€Å"The Wealth of Nations† in 1776 which cemented Smith’s place in history. However, many critics note that in his time Smith did not ‘invent’ the ideas he wrote about. He only popularized the ideas that became known as classical economy. Using his work other economists solidified the theories of classical economy which became dominant during the time of great depression or the global economic crisis. The report will als o compare the current economic system with Smith’s and conclude whether he would agree with current policies of today if he was alive. Production Theory From the economists’ point of view, production simply means the creation of goods and services which consumers will buy. Companies are the units of production, and they convert input into output through a transformation process (Kurz & Salvadori, 1995). The theory of production then consists of how a company chooses and combines various inputs to produce an output at a given level in the most efficient manner. The assumption is that decision making is done with the view of maximizing profits. Production is all about creation of wealth which in turn adds to the society’s welfare. Resources are limited and must be efficiently utilized to create the maximum possible welfare. There are different inputs or resources of the society used in the production process. These inputs or resources are the factors of production . Adam Smith identified three factors of production which are land, labor and capital. In the economics the definition of land refers to all the natural resources which are used in production. The land notion includes farming and building land, forests, rivers, lakes, and mineral deposits. Therefore, land does not mean a piece of earth. Labor attributes to both mental and physical efforts used in the production of goods and services. Labor is distinct in that it is the services of labor that are bought and sold. Labor is also unique because it is the reason why economic activity takes place. The supply of labor is measured by the number of hours of work which is offered at a given wage rate over a given period of time (Kurz & Salvadori, 1995). Capital is a man-made input and can be classified as working or circulating capital referring to stocks of raw materials, partly finished goods, and finished goods held by producers. Alternatively, it can be classified as fixed capital which c onsists of all the equipment used in production. The aspect of specialization is important in the production process. It refers to the concentration of activity in those lines of production where the company or an individual has some natural or acquired advantage. Adam Smith drew attention to the importance of the labor division in his book â€Å"The Wealth of Nations†. He was fundamentally concerned with the division of labor of a particular industry

International Law Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Law Assignment - Essay Example The region had always been witness to ethnic battles, and the twentieth century saw the most bloody episodes in the unfolding saga of the Balkans. Countries such as the U. S., U. K. and a majority of the European Union are in favour of the declaration and have formally recognized Kosovo as a state. To these countries, Kosovo is officially known as the Republic of Kosovo. The topic of this essay is to determine the legality or otherwise of Kosovo’s declaration of independence. The essay will also deal with the issue of recognition of Kosovo as a state according to the relevant theories. Lastly, it will also examine whether the declaration of Kosovo as a state is proper according to the Montevideo Convention. Kosovo was a part of the nation of Serbia, which succeeded Yugoslavia after its dissolution. It is a Balkan region given to ethnic strife since antiquity. To the Serbs, it is an integral part of Serbia, as the area covers the Kosovo Polje (Blackbird Field). This place is ‘sacred territory for the Serbs as the place where Serbs were ‘defeated and subjugated by the Turks’.1 is where The Kosovo problem is one step in the still to be completed Balkan saga. The area now comprising Kosovo was first defined as an area of a state in 1945 as the autonomous Kosovo-Metohian Area.As a part of Yugoslavia, Kosovo gained limited internal autonomy ihn the later part of the sixties. In the 1974 Constitution of Yugoslavia, Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo was given more powers. A President and prime Minister were formally recognised for the Area. It was also represented in the Federal Presidency. It was thus that Kosovo became a republic in the Federation. The Parliament of the un-recognized Republic of Kosovo approved a resolution supporting the "Independence and Sovereignty of Kosovo" in September 1991.   Put to a clandestinely organized and held referendum in Bosnia the resolution was approved overwhelmingly.2 The Dayton Peace Agreement had

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Supply chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Supply chain - Essay Example (2003) posit to the effect that there are many benefits that can be derived from outsourcing logistics operations in large companies such as cost savings, increased quality as well as enabling the organization to concentrate on its core business. There are high chances that an organization would save costs from implementing this strategy since it will be in a position to employ a reasonable number of workers to perform the work related to logistics operations. The suppliers can charge relatively low prices for performing the tasks related to logistics operations. The suppliers also have special equipment and transport that can be used to perform various tasks related to supply and logistics in the operations of the company. The other benefit is that the company will be in a better position to concentrate on its core business through outsourcing activities such as supply and logistics to other third parties. This improves its efficiency as well since it will focus on its main business. The company also stands better chances to enjoy increased quality of products and services it offers through hiring people with knowledge and experience in performing the task. Specialised and experienced people are likely to be hired to perform that tasks related to supply and this is beneficial to the company. However, there are certain risks that are likely to be encountered if a company outsources its logistics operations to a third party. There is likely to be loss of knowledge experienced in the company since all tasks related to logistics and supply will be done by an outsider leaving little room for the employees to gain knowledge about logistic operations in their own company. This may also lead to low employee morale since they will be expected to be followers in the company. The other risk likely to be encountered is related to the aspect of quality. Quality can be compromised if the suppliers do not have quality equipment to execute the tasks they would be expected to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

ENGLISH LEGAL SYSTEM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

ENGLISH LEGAL SYSTEM - Essay Example Solicitors were more concerned with office work such as the preparation of contracts for clients. Since 1991, solicitors with a little extra qualification have been allowed to act as advocates before the highest courts. On the other hand, barristers can now deal directly with professional clients without the intervention of a Solicitor. Many commentators believe that the two legal professions, once almost entirely separate, are slowly entering a state of gradual fusion as both are training and qualifying themselves to serve in the capacity of the other. Solicitors require a practicing certificate if they are to be involved in legal work. An exception is made for those in local government, commerce and industry. In 1996 there were 8702 firms of solicitors in England and Wales which earned at least  £15,000 per annum, with 4,377 of those firms classified as sole practitioners.1 There are also Legal Executives who qualify separately from both Barristers and Solicitors. Legal Executives carry out lower-level procedural or transactional work and must work under the supervision of a Solicitor. These functionaries are classified as paralegals in other countries. The practice of having Licensed Conveyancers started in 1986. They work separately from solicitors and are focused on domestic property transactions. The profession has its own system of qualification. The legal profession is largely self-regulated. The chief methods of regulation are; restrictions on entry, restrictions on advertising and other means of promoting a competitive process within the profession and restrictions on fee competition. The associations that regulate the practice of legal professionals are largely independent of government control. The main tool for regulation of the legal profession comprises the limitations imposed on who may enter into the legal profession. To become a solicitor one must take one of two degree routes or,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Controversies as a Result of the Alien and Sedition Acts Essay Example for Free

Controversies as a Result of the Alien and Sedition Acts Essay In the late 1700s and into the early 1800s, large controversies over the Alien and the Sedition Acts, containing four bills, took place. Some of the controversies included immigration, slander and libel of the government, and states’ rights. While the controversy set the stage for Jefferson’s election, it also left some in tense and unsettled states. The Alien and Sedition Acts brought many disagreements upon the states. The Acts had two bills that seemed to stand out most among the government. The second bill of the Alien and Sedition Acts gave the President power to deport â€Å"all such aliens as he shall judge dangerous to the peace and safety of the United Stats. † Just before the Acts were created, President George Washington wrote to the Vice-President John Adams in 1794 of his believe that immigrants brought with them not only their language, but their habits and formal morals too. Later, he goes on to say, that this is not particularly a bad thing because as time goes on, as generations grow, all people will become one. Just before that though, in 1785, Thomas Jefferson had made close to the same note, but a bit different. He believed it would be a miracle for the morals and beliefs of the immigrants to halt in changing at the exact point of liberty. He believed that infusing the aliens into our United States would create a â€Å"heterogeneous, incoherent, distracted mass. † Altogether, immigration was an extremely controversial topic. Each person had their own opinion, especially the rising parties who seemed to almost separate the nation more. While the Acts had allowed the President this power, it also prohibited the slander of libel of the President or any other part of the government. It seems to almost be a coincidence. After this was passed, Federalist prosecutors arrested more than twenty Republican newspaper editors and politicians. The Federalists had accused them of sedition, and convicted and jailed a number of them. Many believed that this part of the Sedition Act was against the First Amendment that forbade the †abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. † As a matter of fact, the Republicans actually tried to charge the Sedition Act as a violation of the First Amendment, although it did not appeal to the Supreme Court. This was because the Court was not sure how to review the case considering the board was made up of mostly Federalists. Jefferson sent a letter to Francis Hopkinson of Pennsylvania clearing up a rumor that he was a Federalist. He states that he â€Å"never submitted the whole system of (his) opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else where I was capable of thinking for myself. † Last, but definitely not least, was the issue of whether or not the states had a right to judge the Constitution. After the Republicans tried to charge the Sedition Acts as a violation against the Constitution, Madison and Jefferson looked to the state legislature which led to their declaring the Alien and Sedition Acts to be â€Å"unauthoritative, void, and of no force. This resolution set forth a states’ rights interpretation of the Constitution, asserting that the states had a â€Å"right to judge† the legitimacy of national laws. Albert Gallatin, a Democratic-Republican congressman from Pennsylvania, made a speech in the House of Representatives on the proposed Sedition Act wherein he stated, â€Å"The only evidences brought by the supporters of this bill consist of writings expressing an opinion that certain measures of government have been dictated by an unwise policy, or by improper motives, and that some of them are unconstitutional. The Alien and Sedition Acts caused many controversies. The controversies led to many letters and arguments with the government. With this being said, the major problems seem to have been the topics of immigration, slander and libel of the government, and states’ rights. Although, after these controversies developed over the Acts, the Acts were then rethought. It is often wondered, even now, why the Alien and Sedition Acts were ever passed in the first place.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Antimicrobial Activity of Citronella Oil

Antimicrobial Activity of Citronella Oil Background of Study According to Tzortzakis Economakis, (2007) and Arshad et al. (2014), essential oils are volatile, complex mixes with have a solid smell and also structured by fragrant plants as secondary metabolites. Essential oil can be retrieved from plant parts such as buds, leaves, wood, bark, herbs, flowers, twigs, seeds and whole fruit by extraction technique such as steam distillation, cold pressing or extraction (Calo et al., 2015; Burt, 2004). Bakkali et al. (2008) and Calo et al. (2015) stated that essential oil components consists of two groups, terpene compound and aroma compounds. Wijesekara et al. (1997) and Hodges, (2014) also mentioned that terpene hydrocarbons and additionally their oxygenated subordinates, for example aldehydes, acids, alcohols, esters and ketones that presence in essential oils give the unique characters such as antimicrobial properties, antibacterial properties, antioxidant properties and antifungal properties. Citronella oil or scientific names Cymbopogon Nardus L. Randle or C. Winterianus Jowitt is one of the essential oils which is give impactful smell and lemony (Smoron, 2001) with have blue-green leaves that develop over to a tallness of 1.5 meters tall (Hodges, 2014) and are not entirely oil but less soluble in water (Calo et al., 2015). According to Man et al. (2012) citronella oil is well known by its character as mosquito repellent. Besides being mosquito repellent, antimicrobial properties is one of the properties that been investigate latterly (Billerbeck et al., 2001 Victoria et al., 2012). Calo et al. (2015) have summarized that essential oils and their components have been proven to have ability to control the safety of food and naturally contain active compound that can be found in many plants that give ability in reducing microbial growth in effective ways. Thus this finding plus with negative customer attitudes toward food preservatives made the uses of essential oil expan ding in demand to be as potential natural antimicrobials. Furthermore, Calo et al. (2015) highlighted that a perfect antimicrobial would be one that is accessible in huge volumes as a secondary desirable good and safe to consume. Thus, the citronella oil is one of the criteria that suit to be a perfect antimicrobial agent. Based on Environment Protection Agency (EPA), (1997) study, citronella oil is non-toxic and not harmful to human and animals. By inhibition of fungal growth or microbial in products, citronella oil can decrease the danger to human and animal health and make more demand for fruit and vegetable consumption since it can inhibit the growth of this creature. Thus, for this reason it often been proposed to do research in expanding toward the uses of essential oil. Problem Statement Food borne disease outbreaks that usually caused by microbial have made an attempt in reducing product safety and can affect market demand. It has been assessed that upward of 30% experience the food borne disease (WHO, 2014). Moreover, Acharya et al. (2011) stated that from 250 food-borne diseases microbial infection in foodstuff is the major disorder. Food borne diseases are the aftereffect of ingestion of foodstuffs tainted with microorganisms or chemicals and this can happen at any part in the process from food production line to consumers (WHO, 2014). Results from food borne disease is diarrhea and vomiting, this symptoms executes 1.8 million youngest consistently around the world in 2000 (WHO, 2002). A report by Sharifa Ezat et al. (2013) highlighted that number of cases that been reported as food poisoning caused by contamination of microbial shows higher incidence rate and number of cases compare to other disease such as Dysentery, Tyhoid, Cholera and Hepatitis A within year 2000 until 2009. While in agriculture industry, pathogenic and toxinogenic growth are one of the major issues that can influence cannot only fresh produce but also effect human health, economic loss and ecological security (Ru Li et al., 2013). Not only that, post harvest itself also loss their fresh produce during the supply chain and much of this is because of fungal and bacterial disease (Sivakumar Banos, 2014) for example contamination of Aspergillus niger that produce enzymes such as cellulose, amylase and pectinase (Ru Li et al., 2013) that cause food spoilage. Thus to combat this problem especially to control plant pathogenic growths, synthetic fungicides have been utilized because it do not give bad influence on the appearance or nature of the product (Cabral et al., 2013). Unfortunately, broad utilized of synthetic fungicides can affect human and animal that can lead to cancer, toxicity, environmental problem and long degradation period (Cabral et al., 2013; Calo et al., 2015). Antimicrobial chemical is one of the synthetic fungicides that have been used in agriculture such as aromatic hydrocarbons, benzaimidazoles and sterol biosynthesis inhibitors. Fludioxonil which is phenylpyrrole and Pyrimethanil which is anilinopyrimidine are the most popular one that used to control plant disease. Unfortunately, some of these compounds are not biodegradable and unfriendly to nature because it can presence in soil, plants and water also subsequently influence people through food chain relation (Cabral et al., 2013). In spite of the fact that synthetic fungicides have been thought to be the least expensive also best approach to avoid postharvest disease, the unfriendly effects to nature have reduce their acceptance. Objectives of the Study The goals of this study is to To investigate the antimicrobial activity of citronella oil To study the applications of citronella oil in foods To study the mechanical properties of coated PP film and the control PP film Scope of Study In conjunction with the problem statement and objectives of the study, all activities such as desk study, laboratory activities, data analysis and report writing are conducted in one scope of study. The scope of study can be portrayed as: i)Â  Laboratory activities PP film preparation Where the coating solution will be prepared and after preparation of coating solution the PP film will be coated with the coating solution. Fruit sample and E. coli sample The PP film that been coated with solution is then tested on the bacteria growth sample and the fruit sample. ii)Â  Data analysis Measure the ‘zero inhibition zone’ After the sample left for 5 days the clear zone will be formed around the PP film for the bacteria growth sample. The length of clear zone will be measured. Evaluation on fruit sample The PP film that been coated with solution is then tested on the fruit sample by wrapping the fruit sample. The condition of the fruit sample will be evaluated. Mechanical properties The strength of coated PP film and the uncoated PP film will be identifying with an appropriate machine. iii)Â  Report writing Preparation full report After getting the result from lab test, the discussion of the result will be made and prepared. Presentation of project report The study that been made along the semester 1 and semester 2 will be present in front of the panels.

Developing Road Protection Program Policy

Developing Road Protection Program Policy Theory of microeconomics Introduction Consumers of the American region, in particular, road are the ones who have the right to be safe and protected as it is outlined in the mechanisms of environmental protection. The inclusion of this statement will be valid for any possible products and services that are being provided in the market place to promote safety devices providing consumers with the believes and faith that their functionality is to provide protection to their road and that they can be sound around different objects of threat and harm. Consumers are supposed to be educated in terms of increasing their knowledge and awareness of being informed shoppers and their rights to consume products that are safer for road. Consumers in this regard should also know the hazards which can take place while specific products are currently in implication. The launch of a product is not merely the availability of something useful; it should rather be safe to use after the purchase is made. Multiple consumers are supposedly repo rted by ANEC (American Association for the Co-ordination of Consumer Representation in Standardization) undertake the CE mark to be the official safety seal when there is no universal American mark that allows a product to be used on safe terms. Serious injuries and even fatal accidents have been reported associated with various products in many Member States’ system of national data in the region. Within the US market therefore, there is an essential need of evaluation and measurement of the consumer product safety regulations in an essential manner. The chosen product is baby prams for the purpose of analysis in this report. Discussion Health aspects and road protection programs determine the success and practical approach of a product company because all of the individuals and managing persons like to take advantage of such facilities over time. Just when they are allowed to fulfill the expectations from work, they are also going for free assessments, training sessions and check-ups as well. This clearly indicates the level of interests in people for the road protection programs to be introduced in the system for good. Management in dealing with road protection programs is extremely important when it comes to providing a centre of achievements and coordination. No matter what an individual is getting out of these programs, on a cultivated level, the aim of any corporation while introducing these road protection programs is to help their employees lead a professional approach and lives through education and self-management in all terms. Road side protective plan and management of environmental factors is of great importance and diversity as well because there are different aspects involved with it that are not only convenient to understand but very applicable and successful as well. Where people think value chain is only predictable and applicable on the business management firms and organizations but it can also be implemented on different technological factors and considerations. Things like information systems and production work can also imply value chain model very practically. Information systems are all about carrying out the purchasing, communication, material handling and several other aspects which value chain model can handle pretty well if implied in a better manner. Technology has advanced with modernization and enhancement of different activities throughout the world and value chain model can make it even susceptible and prone to getting on intermediate success height. The idea which value chain model can base on when it comes to connecting it with information systems is that an organization is more than just manpower, resources, outlook and research or the machinery and equipment that is being used at all times; it is about the arrangement and a systematic appearance and organization of different production facilities. Within information systems, technology matters and consumers want to get something which they are paying for and in this matter it is highly important and significant that the value chain model supports the idea generation and background of the material provided. The ability to go on making progress with the routine activities generating different developmental arrangements will be the linkage point between the information syste ms and value chain model. For the success of road protection programs and their implementations, there are some basic elements and considerations which should be contemplated and noted down. Here are those functional basics and predisposition requirements to look over. Support and direction from the leading services If the management that is belonging to the upper level of a road protection industry is not involved with the road protection programs and its strategic implementation, it will remain a low priority with managers and other employees and there will no specific clue as to what should be done about it for a successful and clearer approach. For this reason, there should be clear decisions taken to make sure CEOs and other beneficiaries are involved with the procedure to make employee’s physical and mental state health and essential enough. Involvement of employees in the developmental procedure Just when the layout for road protection program for a company is being designed, there should be a common sense approach of employees with it as well since the implementations are taken place for the employees on their own. It is therefore critical for that matter to have planned the logistics and classes which are to be moderated later on. Employees should support these programs in a cultivated fashion to support their own personal beings and participate further to what they have developed on their own. Objective analysis Just when the hospitality industry is making road protection program plans and different commencements or determining which techniques can be implemented for the causes, there should be suitable planning done for the purposes as well. In order to have successful implementations of these programs, it is important for the internal and external factors to be balanced out which is why a careful monitoring and observation is required essentially (Roberts, 1996). In order to have the road protection programs projected in a manner that they will increase the productivity of a company, there should be checking as in determining if these plans are meeting the objectives and purposes on a normal, usual basis. To do that, there should be surveys and production analysis to the means and measurements. This will determine and clarify which plans have been the most effective and which sets of instructions are the most captivating ones. External assessments can also be carried out to know whether th ey have been any helpful and moderating for the cause or not. Having a budget plan Having budget plan for the road protection program is the most important and essential out of all the management considerations because this is going to cover the allowances and extra techniques that are being employed on the employees and it will also commence the extent to which these management tactics can be extended over time. This will analyze the road protection programs as a vital part of the organization and not only that, it will also cause the settings to become more motivational and stronger with the gradual time allowance and movement. Budgeting will also ensure that expenses of the programs are controlled in a specific manner and that the funds are not being wasted. Although road protection programs are not invented by different companies for stress reduction and several other soothing techniques, it is an integral part of customer service and productivity in an important manner. The significance of eliminating stress and frantic behavior from the customer service management should ultimately be removed and therefore, hospitality industry emphasizes on having proper measurements and a proactive approach towards road protection programs and applications. Effective functioning of those business components is required for any road and environment protection serving within any region of the world because they are known commodities for the effective implications and therefore proper advancements of the social backgrounds. These set of backgrounds are important to be included within the road and environment protection because they prove a greater amount of competitiveness and advantages within the social arrangements. The qualities and information availability assures attainment of major contracts and consumers for those hotels which have labors and skills for the purpose in a benefitting manner. The specifications and reviews are also approached for those companies and hotels that follow such regimens; contribution of employees for that matter are extremely important as well because the guidelines and appropriate rules are going to define a majority of conclusive approximations which are necessary for the hospitality causes and for the i ndustry. For the skills and their fitting to the broader system of work, there are different job designing parameters for the validation of staff. Such purposes are fulfilled with the help of labors and skills as well and they are important for effectual strategic placement as well as recruitment of more individuals. Labors and skills are important in creative aspects of the road and environment protection as well culminating within the responses of multiple advancements; there are individuals required for thinking procedures and creative responses as well and they can only be found in cases of proper selection and foundation of individuals. Growth and developmental factors hinge on such arrangements too. Conclusion Health should be a top priority when it comes to talking about things which an affiliation or a company should do for its product because it is something very essential and important and not only it can be taken out much derivations from but also carried out to have successful planning done within a considerable amount of time. There are a lot of different companies that do not recognize and undermine the benefits and advantages of the road protection programs and the ones which haven’t done so up until now still believe in the concept for an increase in the productivity and employee involvement in a single company. It can be directed towards anything and everything that an individual can go through including work stress or an ailment that the individual is already suffering from in the first place. Creating and implementing road protective programs on different levels of a product organization is essential and important and it is full of outcomes and results that are positive and ready to be customized in any way one can possibly think about. For the manufacture industry, it is even more compelling and advanced because this allows for every sector of this association to have complete control and command over their abilities. It is a field where people as employees need to provide their customers and consumers with the satisfactory outcomes and results that they need and it can be only achieved when the staff is feeling up to the mark and their mental health is not being compromised for some reasons and that they are enjoying their tasks in a beneficial manner. While buying products, the consumers should know of the regulations and commencements as well in order to provide prams or other associated products that are safer to use and convenient to operate. Knowing the components that are harnessed effectively and to create a balanced use for the road is important and beneficial as well. In the US product manufacture industry, the regulations should be taken into account by both the companies and customers to create proper awareness and knowledge of the topic. References Allen, N. J., and Meyer, J. P. (1990).The Measurement and Antecedents of Affectice, Continuance and Normative Commitment to the Organization. Journal of Organizational 80, Psychology, 63, 1-18. Apospori, E., Nikandrou, I., Brewster, C., and Papalexandris, N. (2008), ‘HRM and Organizational Performance in Northern and Southern Europe,’ International Journal of Human Resource Management 19, 7, 1187–1207. Barrett, A., O’Connell, P. J. 2001. Does training generally work? The returns to in company Training. Industrial and Labour Relations Review, 54(3): 647-662. Oribabor, P.E. (2000), â€Å"Human Resources Management, A Strategic Approval Human Resources Management 9 (4) 21 24 Peteraf, M.A. (1993), ‘The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View,’ Strategic Management Journal, 14, 3, 179–192. Stavrou, E., Brewster, C., and Charalambous, C. (2004), ‘Human Resource Management as a Competitive Tool in Europe,’ work paper, London: Henley College.20. Tyson, S., Tyson, S., and Fell, A. (1986), Evaluating the Personnel Function, London: Hutchinson. Role of Training in Determining the Employee Corporate Behavior with Respect to Organizational Productivity: Developing and Proposing a Conceptual Model Vol. 5, No. 12; December 2010

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Near-Drowning in Pediatric Patients Essay -- Nursing, Health Care

Introduction There are an estimated 8,000 deaths per year in the United States from drowning. Near-drowning occurs anywhere from 2-20 times more frequently (for estimated 16,000-160,000 events per year)7. The definitions for drowning and near-drowning have for the longest time been very confusing to understand. Recent health officials have attempted to resolve some of this confusion by redefining drowning as â€Å"the process of experiencing respiratory insufficiency or difficulty following a submersion or immersion in a body of liquid.† Near-drowning has also been redefined as â€Å"survival from a drowning event which involved impaired consciousness or water inhalation for 24 hours or more†2. Both near drowning and near-drowning occur when someone experiences a submersion event. A submersion event is when someone, in this case a pediatric patient, experiences an unexpected submersion in water. When an unexpected submersion, regardless of water type (salt or fresh) occurs, the ind ividual experiences breath hold, panic, and a struggle to resurface1. Humans, naturally, can only hold their breath for a short period of time. This prolonged breath hold results in hypoxia and eventually leads to involuntary gasping. As the individual attempts to gasp for air they sometimes aspirate7. This paper will attempt to look at the clinical presentation of a near-drowning patient who has suffered from a submersion event. Research It was previously thought that the type of water aspirated posed a serious threat to the patient and drastically increased their chance of mortality. In particular, salt water was thought to be one of the more potent types of water to aspirate due to it’s tonicity. This previous thought that salt water was more harmful to... ...01. 4. Oehmichen, M, Hennig, R, and Meissner, C (2007). Near-drowning and clinical laboratory changes. Legal Medicine;10:1-5. 5. Gregorakos, L, Markou, N, Psalida, V, Kanakaki, M, Alexopoulou, A, Sotiriou, E, Damianos, A, Myrianthefs, P (2009). Near-drowning: clinical course of lung injury in adults. Acute Lung Injury;187:93-97. 6. Beeck, EF, Branche, CM, Szpilman, D, Modell, JH, and Bierens, JJ (2005). A new definition of drowning: towards documentation and prevention of a global public health problem. World Health Organization;83(11):853-856. 7. Ender, PT, and Dolan, MJ (1997). Pneumonia Associated with Near-Drowning. Clinical Infectious Diseases;25:896-907. 8. Leroy, P, Smismans, A, and Seute, T (2006). Invasive pulmonary and central nervous system aspergillosis after near-drowning of a child: case report and review of literature. Pediatrics;118(2):509-513.

Friday, July 19, 2019

anitgone and tess of the durbervilles comparison on destiny :: essays research papers

In the play â€Å"Antigone†, Antigone’s demise is destined by the Gods of ancient Greece. However, in Tess of the D’Urbervilles† Tess endures many incidents and coincidences of misfortunes that mark the course of her tragic life, in which destiny does not play a role as it does in Antigone. Chance and coincdince can plague or bless any individual at any time.Thomas Hardy portrays chance and coincidence as having very significant roles in "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" continuously. Three such coincidences were quite influential and had significant effects on Tess's future. The first being that Tess Durbeyfield's father, discovered that their family came from the oldest, and once the most wealthiest family in England. This single decision, of sending Tess to the d'Urberville, and making her leave the sheltered life and town of Marlott that she had known for so long would be the change in her life that would lead to so many other events for her. Had Tess not been sent to the d'Urberville home, she would not have met Alec nor would she have bore his child out of wedlock and her life would have been completely different. Another event that occurs by mere chance in Tess's life is when Tess slips a letter of confession underneath both her lover's door and (by accident) the carpet, where he could not see it. Thus, Tess marries Angel under the impression that he has been informed of her past, when in fact he is ignorant of her former actions. After their marriage Tess enlightens Angel of her previous affairs when she realizes he has not received her letter and is surprised by his extremely disgusted reaction. Angel is regretful to have been informed of Tess’s past after he has married her, as he now feels he has morally wronged in marrying an impure woman. As they had vowed, Tess and Angel stay married, although Angel cannot forgive Tess for her actions, and thus they separate temporarily. The coincidence in which the letter slipped under the carpet lead to Angel and Tess’s strained relationship. Tess’s self-esteem suffered and she was left emotionally unstable and distressed. Tessâ €™s state of mind allowed Alec to eventually persuade Tess to marry her, and in subsequent connected events leads to Tess’s tragic death. The final coincidence would be the death of Tess's father, which not only leaves Tess in a state of deprivation, but also the rest of her family, including her mother and six siblings.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Critique Of Vote.Com By Dick Morris :: essays research papers

Critique of Vote.Com By Dick Morris   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being required to read books is not always something you look forward to in a class. Actually it’s probably one the worst things you dread. Especially this assignment, I was honestly not looking forward to anything about this book when I was preparing to read it. And though the premise of the book is actually very relevant in today’s day in age, I still felt like the information just could not be that important to me personally. Even after reading the introduction I could not have been less interested in the book than before I began reading it. But then as I began to get into the meat of the book I found myself beginning to see how this book was about me. It is about the generation in which I was born and a generation in which the Internet will forever change.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the following paragraphs I would like to share my thoughts about particular chapters in the book in which I found the most and least intriguing. While reading the book I did find many points on which I found myself agreeing with, but I also did come to statements that were not so easy to support. And these points will be the focus of my paper.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first chapter that I really found myself getting into and finding myself in total agreement with was chapter seven, â€Å"Campaigning To Win The Fifth Estate†. Morris’s basis for this chapter, and reasoning behind it is right on target. As our world evolves, so does the means of communication. As a faster more technically advanced Internet replaces television, people that have relied on television as their main means of communication will be rudely awakened to find they have much to learn about â€Å"Internet campaigning†. The first section speaks about the way in which internet campaigning will be completely different from traditional campaigning because it is entirely voluntary. Instead of politicians counting on the fact that we will be sitting in front of the television every night, they will have to design political messages that actually contain intelligent political thought. The way we have been spoon feed campaign messages through television commercials will no longer be a choice. No, we will now have the choice to find which information we want to read and which we choose not to. A whole new way to campaign will have to be brought into use.

Importance Of Note Taking In Colleges Education Essay

IntroductionNote-taking is a really of import larning tool in college schoolroom. Boyd ( 2004 ) found that pupils who take notes perform better on tests than pupils who merely highlight text. Most teachers besides wonder whether supplying press releases to pupils is truly utile for pupils or non. A study by Isaacs in 1994 shows that 43 % of academic staff frequently or ever use press releases in the schoolroom, and they feel that press releases help pupils to take notes and let them to listen and take part more in talk. The issue of note taking makes college professors use presentation package, such as Microsoft PowerPoint and its related press releases. Although Microsoft PowerPoint is more popular in colleges, it besides has negative impact on instruction and acquisition. For case, Tufte ( 2003 ) argues that PowerPoint and other presentation package have reduced the quality of presentations and represent hapless teaching method. This paper presents two surveies which determine if supplementing Microsoft PowerPoint lectures with press releases of the slides improve test-taking public presentation in an undergraduate homo development class. In the first survey, it was expected that pupils who received the press releases would execute significantly better on tests than pupils who did non. Students were surveyed about their usage of the PowerPoint press releases and perceptual experiences of the grade to which the notes helped with exam public presentation. The 2nd survey assessed the acquisition manners of pupils in order to find whether the acquisition manners with PowerPoint presentation press releases may impact pupil larning results. It looked at the three acquisition manners: lingual, visual-spatial, and bodily-kinesthetic.MethodFor the first survey in the autumn semester, pupils in two subdivisions of an upper degree Human Development class at a little Midwestern university participated in the current survey. Each subdivision had 50 pupils who were demographically similar across subdivisions. In the autumn semester, the class was divided into tierces, with an test given at the terminal of each 3rd. Students were required to take one of the first two noncumulative tests, but the lower class of the two was non computed into the concluding class. The concluding cumulative test was required of all pupils. At the beginning of category, Section 1 pupils were given hard-copy press releases to attach to the Power Point lectures for the 2nd test and the concluding ; they were instructed non to demo these press releases to pupils from Section 2. Section 2 pupils were given the press releases for the concluding tierce of the semester merely. In the spring survey, the process of the survey was similar to the autumn semester. However, pupils in both subdivisions were asked to look into as many points in the checklist of Multiple Intelligences Inventory for grownups ( Harper, 2005 ; Lazear, 1991 ) , wh ich characterized the ways they learned stuff.ConsequencesFor both surveies, there were no important differences between the two subdivisions on the trial scores with the usage of the PowerPoint press releases. As clearly seen, the average test mark of the pupils given PowerPoint press releases is rather similar to the average test mark of the pupils without PowerPoint press releases.Survey Results and Qualitative AnalysesResponses to the study show most pupils ( 79 % ) used the notes for analyzing for the concluding, 21 % were really attentive to the PowerPoint projections along with the notes, 25 % indicated that they had paid a batch of attending to the talk along with the press releases, and 39 % often wrote extra notes on the press releases. Similar to the autumn semester survey, the spring semester pupils were for the most portion rather positive about having the press releases, as 75 % indicated that the press releases were by and large helpful, 75 % felt that they were utile in fixing for trials, and 50 % indicated that the press releases improved their hearing to the talks.DiscussionSome findings show that the function of presentation press releases is truly utile for pupils to heighten the trial public presentation, but some do non. Although the findings seem to be strong, many factors to measure the usage of this instruction technique. One factor is class content which may act upon the acquisition results in categories utilizing PowerPoint. Another is that the consequence that PowerPoint slides has on larning results is non matched by studentsaa‚Â ¬a„? intuitive beliefs. Finally, the format of press releases does non supply complete sets of notes for pupils. Future research should analyze such teacher effects in the usage of PowerPoint press releases, every bit good as whether PowerPoint slides may be more effectual for certain class content and non others. In some respects, the usage of presentation package in the college schoolroom is one of those old contentions encased in new technological wrapper. Yet, it forces those of us who are actively involved in bettering instruction and acquisition in higher instruction to joint our premises and beliefs about what happens in and out of the schoolroom. To that terminal, there decidedly is something to be gained in the continued usage of the package and empirical geographic expedition of its effects.MentionsBoyd, C. H. ( 2004, May ) . Comparison of foregrounding and note-taking during a PowerPoint talk on trial public presentation. Poster session presented at the one-year meeting of the American Psychological Society, Chicago, IL. Harper, W.S. ( 2005 ) . Course stuffs for Plant and Soil Science. Unpublished papers, University of Vermont. Retrieved October 1, 2005 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Isaacs, G. ( 1994 ) . Lecturing patterns and note-taking intents. Surveies in Higher Education, 19, 203-217. Lazear, D. ( 1991 ) . Seven ways of cognizing. Teaching for Multiple Intelligences ( 2nd edition ) . Palatine, IL: Skylight Publication. Noppe, I. , Achterberg, J. , Duquaine, L. , Huebbe, M. & A ; Williams, C. ( 2007 ) . PowerPoint presentation press releases and college pupil larning results [ Electronic version ] . International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1 ( 1 ) . From hypertext transfer protocol: // Tufte, E. R. ( 2003 ) . The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint. Cheshire, Connecticut: Artworks Press LLC.IntroductionNote-taking is a really of import larning tool in college schoolroom. Boyd ( 2004 ) found that pupils who take notes perform better on tests than pupils who merely highlight text. Most teachers besides wonder whether supplying press releases to pupils is truly utile for pupils or non. A study by Isaacs in 1994 shows that 43 % of academic staff frequently or ever use press releases in the schoolroom, and they feel that press releases help pupils to take notes and let them to listen and take part more in talk. The issue of note taking makes college professors use presentation package, such as Microsoft PowerPoint and its related press releases. Although Microsoft PowerPoint is more popular in colleges, it besides has negative impact on instruction and acquisition. For case, Tufte ( 2003 ) argues that PowerPoint and other presentation package have reduced the quality of presentations and represent hapless teaching method. This paper presents two surveies which dete rmine if supplementing Microsoft PowerPoint lectures with press releases of the slides improve test-taking public presentation in an undergraduate homo development class. In the first survey, it was expected that pupils who received the press releases would execute significantly better on tests than pupils who did non. Students were surveyed about their usage of the PowerPoint press releases and perceptual experiences of the grade to which the notes helped with exam public presentation. The 2nd survey assessed the acquisition manners of pupils in order to find whether the acquisition manners with PowerPoint presentation press releases may impact pupil larning results. It looked at the three acquisition manners: lingual, visual-spatial, and bodily-kinesthetic.MethodFor the first survey in the autumn semester, pupils in two subdivisions of an upper degree Human Development class at a little Midwestern university participated in the current survey. Each subdivision had 50 pupils who were demographically similar across subdivisions. In the autumn semester, the class was divided into tierces, with an test given at the terminal of each 3rd. Students were required to take one of the first two noncumulative tests, but the lower class of the two was non computed into the concluding class. The concluding cumulative test was required of all pupils. At the beginning of category, Section 1 pupils were given hard-copy press releases to attach to the Power Point lectures for the 2nd test and the concluding ; they were instructed non to demo these press releases to pupils from Section 2. Section 2 pupils were given the press releases for the concluding tierce of the semester merely. In the spring survey, the process of the survey was similar to the autumn semester. However, pupils in both subdivisions were allowed to look into as many points in the checklist of Multiple Intelligences Inventory for grownups ( Harper, 2005 ; Lazear, 1991 ) , which characterized the ways they learned stuff.ConsequencesFor both surveies, there were no important differences on the trial scores with the usage of the PowerPoint press releases. Table 1 shows the average test tonss for two subdivisions of the class. As clearly seen, the average test mark of the pupils given PowerPoint press releases is rather similar to the average test mark of the pupils without PowerPoint press releases.Survey Results and Qualitative AnalysesResponses to the study show most pupils ( 79 % ) used the notes for analyzing for the concluding, 21 % were really attentive to the PowerPoint projections along with the notes, 25 % indicated that they had paid a batch of attending to the talk along with the press releases, and 39 % often wrote extra notes on the press releases. Similar to the autumn semester survey, the spring semester pupils were for the most portion rather positive about having the press releases, as 75 % indicated that the press releases were by and large helpful, 75 % felt that they were utile in fixing for trials, and 50 % indicated that the press releases improved their hearing to the talks.DiscussionSome findings show that the function of presentation press releases is truly utile for pupils to heighten the trial public presentation, but some do non. Although the findings seem to be strong, many factors to measure the usage of this instruction technique. One factor is class content which may act upon the acquisition results in categories utilizing PowerPoint. Another is that the consequence that PowerPoint slides has on larning results is non matched by studentsaa‚Â ¬a„? intuitive beliefs. Finally, the format of press releases does non supply complete sets of notes for pupils. Future research should analyze such teacher effects in the usage of PowerPoint press releases, every bit good as whether PowerPoint slides may be more effectual for certain class content and non others. In some respects, the usage of pres entation package in the college schoolroom is one of those old contentions encased in new technological wrapper. Yet, it forces those of us who are actively involved in bettering instruction and acquisition in higher instruction to joint our premises and beliefs about what happens in and out of the schoolroom. To that terminal, there decidedly is something to be gained in the continued usage of the package and empirical geographic expedition of its effects.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Angela’s Ashes Comparative Commentary Essay

Although these dickens passages taken from the memoirs Angelas Ashes by straight-from-the-shoulder McCourt and Catcher in the Rye by J. D. S in allinger, be similar to each another(prenominal) in some aspects, such as mood, perceptions and attitudes towards death etc., their society, culture, and their ages make the contrast among their styles.In the passage from Catcher in the Rye, we see the 17-years-old Holden going to his crony exclusivelyies grave. From his com ments to the highest degree his brothers death, we fount to interpret his immature and irreverent character. I last its only his ashes and all thats in the cemetery, and his intelligencefulnesss in Heaven and all that crap On the other hand, upright want Frank McCourts, Holdens animosity, somberness and resentment is seen by his mood and tone. The 5-years-old bantam Frankie is already witness to his sister Margargonts death, and now he losts his little brother Oliver.In this scene, where Oliver is bur ied in the memorial park, Frankie tries to comprehend the things around him with his childlike curiosity and responses. I did not want to leave Oliver with them. I threw a rock at a jackdaw that waddled over toward Olivers grave. Nevertheless, although his age, Holdens inability to come to terms with his brothers death makes him angry and resentful. All the visitors could get in their cars and turn on their radios and all and then(prenominal) go somewhere nice for dinner party everybody except Allie. I couldnt stand it.There are some hints in the passages which suggest about the culture, societies and time the two memoirs took place. Holden says the visitors could get in their cars and turn on their radios and all and then go someplace nice for dinner, whereas Frankie says we rode to the hospital in a semi with a horse and My mother and aunty Aggie cried, Grandma looked angry, Dad, Uncle Pa Keating, and Uncle Pat Sheehan looked no-count but did not cry and I thought that if youre a misbegot you can cry only when you birth the black stuff that is called the pint. The carriage with a horse and the throng running like nuthouse over to their cars and turn on their radios show us that the scene from Angelas Ashes took place many years earlier Catcher in the Rye.Moreover, with Frankies childish comment about his family, the men in his family appear as drinkers this suggests about the Irish culture which all men are drinkers. The same comment also distinctly shows us the difference between women and men in their culture. We also see that the two characters families and societies are Christian, and believe in the brio after death. Holden says I live on its only his body and all thats in the cemetery, and his souls in Heaven and all that crap, but I couldnt stand it anyway.On the other hand Frankie explains, Dad said I shouldnt throw rocks at jackdaws, they mightiness be somebodys soul. I didnt know what a soul was but I didnt need him because I didnt care. Their perception towards pietism is the same they both believe in what is taught to them, but in both cases the characters lugubriousness and anger are much greater then their religion now, when they lost their brothers whom they sleep together and were connected so much. I propensity he wasnt there. You didnt know him. If youd known him, youd know what I mean. Oliver was dead and I dislike jackdaws.Both Frankie and Holden are alone with their thoughts and feelings they cannot make out them with anyone. Holden is too immature and powerless to impertinence his brothers death and Frankies parents wouldnt answer his question tag about death. The two narrative characters cannot converse about or express their sorrow, they fetch to keep it inside and divert it into anger and hate of other things or people around them. Id be a man someday and Id come with a travelling bag of rocks and Id leave the graveyard littered with dead jackdaws. All the visitors in the cemetery star ted running like hell over to their cars. Thats what nearly bevy me crazy. Hence the two characters need to reanimate theirselves by something else writing.