Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How conservative was Hogarth's view of London Essay

How conservative was Hogarth's view of London - Essay Example Hogarth’s important works: Hogarth’s paintings portray a view of London streets that is bustling and chaotic, such that a viewer looking at the paintings gets a feeling almost of claustrophobia because they appear to be so packed and close. The angle and view which the artist presents make the view feel as if s/he is walking through crowded streets in London, as opposed to neat and well ordered ones. This feeling of being crowded and congested may be noted especially in his work titled â€Å"Southwark Fair (the humours of a fair) which is dated January 1733. This particular painting is centred around the church of St. George in Southwark. This particular painting may be a follow on of the series of eight paintings which comprised the series known as the â€Å"rake’s progress†. These were first presented by Hogarth as canvases and depicted the life of Tom Rakewell , the son of a rich merchant, who comes to London and spends away all his money on prostituti on and gambling, so that he is finally sent off to prison and on to bedlam. The last painting in the series shows an insane and violent Tom consigned to a mental hospital and the painting titled â€Å"Southwark fair† might represent Tom’s descent into bedlam.. ... As Brennan (2009) has pointed out, one out of every five women in London during that time period were prostitutes. There was a high demand for virgins and the noblemen paid a high price for the privilege of deflowering virgins. Hogarth’s portrayal of these prostitutes in his works, as also further detailed below, points out that monetary considerations took precedence over morality and virtue. Young women could earn much higher sums of money by selling out their bodies to high paying men, as opposed to plying an honest trade and working as maids or in similar professions. Hence, greed was the sole motive for the eschewing of virtue and Hogarth’s portrayal of these prostitutes is such that a fall is inevitably associated with the lives of these harlots, after years of fattening of their wallets through their earnings. Hogarth’s works of art question the existing moral standards in the London of his day. In an exhaustive discussion of black slaves and the moral and social connotations that were associated with the training of the former slaves into docile houseboys, Molineaux has noted that owning a black houseboy had become equivalent to owning a pet or a dog, so that the sight of white ladies with their black slaves had become fairly common in London. In his series of works titled â€Å" A harlot’s progress† that consist of six different plates, Hogarth details the story of a young woman who arrives in London and descends into prostitution. The second print shows the harlot in luxurious surroundings, ensconced in a parlor owned by a rich Jewish merchant, where the harlot is also attended by a monkey and a black slave, thereby signifying in a satirical manner, the so called â€Å"high standing† that this woman has attained by virtue of being the rich Jewish

Monday, October 28, 2019

Regulatory Effects on the Transportation Industry Essay Example for Free

Regulatory Effects on the Transportation Industry Essay Economic effects on freight and passenger services Transportation Management, to the government, is the agency oversight of the movement of people and goods. That includes oversight of the economic practices of the companies that perform these services. The economic effect of such regulation is complex. Service industries, which include the various forms of transportation of freight and passengers, are subject to a wide array of regulations. These regulations affect the economies of transportation services in differing ways. Regulations are imposed on these industries to achieve various social and economic goals. Whether they achieve these aims is a separate question. The most obvious effects of regulation are economic. Well-crafted, appropriate regulations can be an asset both to industry and the consumer. They can move resources toward socially productive uses and away from negative ones. They can also ensure public safety and foster competition. Over regulation, however, can have the opposite effect. Transportation, like any industry, is resistant to regulation. Evidence exists that shows the negative economic effects of regulation. Over regulation or regulations that are poorly written can unnecessarily stunt economic activity in situations where the free market could have regulated more effectively. It is up to policy makers to find a balance that achieved social aims yet allows business to thrive. The freight transportation industry and the passenger transportation industry have some similar concerns about regulation. There are also regulations that are distinct to each industry; therefore the economic effects will likely differ. Regulation can result in a higher cost of doing business which is passed down the line to consumers. This is true in both the freight and passenger sectors. The increased price to consumers has a ripple effect on the economy on the whole. Each sector contains complex economies, though, in which the effects of regulation may not always be clear. Oversight-The mission, in general Federal oversight of both the freight and passenger industries is managed by the General Services Administration. It is concerned with both regulatory cooperation and promoting the economic heath of the industries involved. The GSA works collaboratively with businesses to develop flexible regulatory policies and incentives.In both sectors, the GSA is working to smooth the process to electronic forms of transportation. The GSA is working to support the initiatives put forward in the President’s Management Agenda (PMA). They include: the expansion of electronic government, the integration of performance and budget, strategic management of human resources and improved financial performance. The Economic Theory of Regulation The creation of governmental bodies to oversee and regulate certain industries has prompted efforts to measure the effects of such regulation on the overall economy. In 1971, George Stigler proposed the Economic Theory of regulation, or ET, for short. This model measures regulatory effects on the supply chain, prices and costs, among other factors. Elements of this theory have been used to develop some of the more recent regulatory efforts. The model has since been revised. Critics of this model argue that it is successful for academic purposes, but is incomplete in an always changing business environment. Comparing economic effects directly between the freight and passenger transportation industries is difficult because of the differing nature of regulation. Creating regulations for these industries, or removing them, is a trial and error process. The Freight Industry Regulation in the freight industry traditionally has focused more on business structure than in the safety and price conscious passer industry. As in passenger service, the trend in freight has been toward gradual deregulation. Monopolistic practices have been a concern, particularly in the United States, since the beginnings of the modern transportation industry. The question is to whether assertive government regulation is better than the free markets alone for creating competition. The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) was created after the Interstate Commerce Act was signed into law in 1887. This organization exercises broad regulatory powers over surface transportation industries. The ICC can not only review rates upon complaint, it can replace them with new rates. Many passenger and freight service companies protested, or tried to evade altogether, the reach of the ICC. Regulation introduced an unnecessary variable into the theory of consumer behavior, they felt. If prices are not solely the function of demand and cost, the outcome for the business is unpredictable. Regulation, they feared, would also make market entry more difficult. Competition could be reduced and the consumer could suffer in the end. Early actions of the ICC benefited producers of raw materials and goods. At the same time, their actions hurt manufacturer and decreased national economic efficiency. Rate manipulation by the ICC prompted factories to locate closer to final markets in order to minimize transportation costs. Railroads also challenged the ICC in court or found ways around the regulations. Even if it is not specifically quantifiable, it is obvious that regulations affected the economy. The reverse is also true. Changes in the overall economy have prompted changes in regulation. The Great Depression and its negative effect on the rail industry prompted the appointment of a Federal Transportation Coordinator and the passage of the Motor Carrier Act of 1935. A 1960 report by the United States Senate highlighted the effect of over regulation of the freight industry. It stated that the railroads and other transportation industries under direct federal regulation were at a distinct economic disadvantage to those that were not. The rail industry, in particular, was unable to set competitive rates under ICC control. Meanwhile, the less regulated motor carrier industry prospered. As that industry became more regulated, efficiency began to drop. In response, deregulation of both industries began in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. As carriers were allowed to eliminate unprofitable activities and set their prices based on demand, revenue and investment increased. In the mid-1980’s, the ICC was replaced by the Surface Transportation Board, a regulatory agency that is reduced in size and scope. Today’s oversight of the industry has changed in nature. Security and safety concerns are paramount after the events of 9/11. Freight carriers are incurring more expenses for security either directly because of regulation or on their own. These costs are passed down the line to consumers. The question has arisen as to whether economic reregulation is necessary as the number of railroad companies shrinks. It appears as if that is not likely in the short term. As long as the motor carrier industry is competitive, it will serve to hold rail rates down. Market entry, however, is more difficult for railways. Opening that market may be a goal of future regulation. Security has become a primary focus of government regulation. There is a great deal of pressure for companies to do more thorough screening of cargo and implement more stringent security practices. This will inevitably increase cost to both the industry and consumers. The shipping industry is inherently international. Many laws exist, to protect domestic carriers and to ensure safety and security. Domestically, all goods must travel on approved U.S. flag vessels. Separate restrictions apply for HAZMAT or classified materials. For all shipments, the shipper must check for any contracts or rate tenders that may apply. In selecting a provider, the shipper must demonstrate no preferential treatment toward any one provider. Insurance may also be required. Incentives may exist for selecting a provider that uses alternative fuels. In that sense, regulation indirectly benefits the alternative fuel industry. The government can mandate that certain international shipments be performed by a U.S. flag carrier. Cargo preference laws regulate the international shipment of property by water. In this situation, a U.S. flag carrier must be used whenever available. Waivers can be obtained, but they must be approved in advance. The Maritime Commission is the agency that monitors compliance to these and other laws. These laws, and similar ones by other countries, limit the amount of competition and may affect the efficiency of domestic businesses. The Passenger Industry Air travel is the most popular non-automotive mode of travel in the world. In recent years there has been a drive toward deregulating the industry. Service agreements have been liberalized, especially in the United States. Open Skies agreements loosen restrictions on market entry and airport usage between the U.S. and other countries. Price and route scheduling in the air industry are for the most part deregulated but other parts of the industry are not. Deregulation of the air industry began in 1979. Since then, there has been vast growth in the industry. Competition has also increased, allaying the fears of some that monopolies would develop. Prices, adjusted for inflation, have also fallen since the 1980’s in the United States. They have remained constant in Canada and other more regulated economies. Competition has not benefited every consumer but, on average, it has had a positive effect. Demand has increased to an all-time high, even as airlines continue to recover from the effects of 9/11. The basic structure of the airlines has changed since deregulation. Most airlines have instituted a â€Å"hub and spoke system† in which a traveler can travel efficiently through â€Å"hub† cities to their destination. This also allows airlines a more cost-efficient organization of their fleet. As airlines eliminated non-profitable destinations, other specialty carriers have moved in to meet demand in those cities. A significant amount of study has been done on the economic effect of regulation on the airline industry. It should be noted that determining exact cause and effect is not a straightforward process. Prices and industry efficiency are dependent on regulation and a multitude of other factors. Profits fluctuate wildly in passenger industries. A deregulated environment is effective for such industries because the fluctuations attract new investment and can actually facilitate market entry. The airline industry is inherently global, and regulation has global effects. In this sense, the passenger industry has to deal with economic realities that most surface freight industries do not. For example, United States regulations allow Canadian airlines to land or pick up at U.S. airports. They cannot, however, have both ends of the flight within the U.S. This reduces competition because Canadian air cannot form a complete hub and spoke system to efficiently serve passengers. This may have the end result of raising prices for consumers in certain markets, or, it may prompt other airlines to enter in order to serve that market. In this regard, the effect of regulation is somewhat uneven and unpredictable. Another source of regulation fro the passenger industry is the issue of foreign ownership. Theoretically, allowing foreign ownership of U.S. airlines could create more competition and lower prices. However, officials fear that allowing foreign ownership could create a situation where airlines are less accountable to regulatory power. An emerging focus of regulation in the passenger industry is security. Many new measures affecting airlines, airports and surface carriers are in the process of being implemented. The economic effect of these measures has not been studied and is not yet well known. Some of the expense is being absorbed by the federal government, such as in the case of the federalization of airport screeners. In the passenger ship industry, restrictions are fewer regarding international ownership and usage of U.S. ports. There is pressure on congress, however to provide greater oversight of this industry. It is unclear at this point if regulation will increase and what effect it will have on the economy of that industry. Deregulation Theory and the Critics In the passenger service industry, the seemingly successful deregulation of the airlines has prompted deregulation efforts in other sectors. The theory behind deregulation is simply that free markets work. Free markets will solve most of the problems that regulation seeks to remedy, as long as there is a competitive market. Demand, or lack of it, will control prices and force healthy competition. The Herfindahl index is a measure of industry concentration in certain markets. Proponents of deregulation in the air industry, for instance, cite that the Herfindahl has remained relatively stable since the initial shake-out of firms after the 1979 deregulation. In other words, competition is healthy and the consumer is being served at reasonable prices. Some of the effects that critics feared have apparently not come to pass. In the airline industry, research shows no significant decline in safety levels, and no decreases in service to smaller communities sine deregulation. Past experience shows that there is a negative linkage between regulation, market structure and service. There are some concentrated markets, proponents concede, but this is not necessarily bad. Some concentration allows the airlines to create bigger, more complete networks that serve more consumers. Regulation in both the freight and passenger industries now focuses away from business structure and price control. Regulations are more directed toward safety and security issues. Oversight in the freight industry still has a somewhat wider scope. Deregulation is not without its critics. Some point to the power industry as an example of deregulation gone too far. In the wake of deregulation, huge entrepreneurial companies such as Enron surfaced. Monopolistic practices were ushered in, and ultimately the needs of the consumers were not fulfilled. Deregulation proponents in the transportation industry, however, do not see this as a relevant example. The corruption at Enron was not created by deregulation, and economic factors in transportation are not the same. Conclusions The economic effects of regulation on both the freight and passenger service industries are many and varied. Difficulties exist in quantifying exact effects. Government attempts to regulate price, in particular have not always produced the intended result. The lack of knowledge on exact economic effects of regulation can be improved upon. More comprehensive studies can be undertaken in future years to clarify how these restrictions help or hurt the economy. Sophisticated technology is in development that can replicate various scenarios, a tool officials need before attempting to write policy. Regulations on transportation affect not only the transportation industry itself, but also any company that uses that industry. It is estimated that for the average company, transportation accounts for 3% to 7% of the total company costs. Therefore, regulation can have a significant effect on the economy as a whole. For the individual business, regulation can have ripple effects that influence inventory control, warehousing, accounting, customer service and a host of other area. It is not necessarily a negative effect, though. Efficient business combined with well thought out policy can provide a positive result for the economy. The way business is conducted is undergoing a rapid overhaul. New technologies are being introduced at a blinding pace. Future regulatory efforts will have to take this into account. A well-intentioned regulatory action could have the effect of slowing down a business in a climate where fastest is best. The safety and security measures that are necessary in the 21st century will inevitably have an economic effect. The money, however, is well spent. In future years, companies with good track records on security and safety will reap the financial benefits. For the freight and passenger industries, the trend has been toward deregulation in the economic sphere. The government will still take action if it perceives that there is a constraint on competition. It still holds veto power over large mergers, for example. Comparison of the economic effects of regulation between the passenger and freight industries suggests that a limited regime of regulation is necessary for safety and, to a lesser extent, for the economic health of the industries themselves. There are different regulatory focuses for each industry. What they all share is that they all produce a ripple effect that branches out to all sectors of the business, the consumer, and the larger economy. That effect can be negative, or, with well written policy, it can be positive.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Emily Dickinson on the Addictive Process Essay -- Emily Dickinson Auth

Emily Dickinson on the Addictive Process Awareness of Emily Dickinson has grown and deepened over the course of the twentieth century such that the "delightful" andplatitude-laden verses, as they were initially viewed, have provento be rich, often ironic, highly complex explorations of one poet'ssubjectivity. Dickinson's poetry today challenges us to confrontaspects of our own inner processes in relation to psychologicalpain, death, the world and possible -- though not undoubted --transcendence of it, and frustrated desire, to name just a few ofthe themes. The emergence of discourse on addictions, both tosubstances and to modes of behavior, gives us a framework in whichwe can newly assess one of Dickinson's poems, and even though thepoet's particular life circumstances -- involving the influence ofPuritanism, which would also affect Dickinson's contemporariesHerman Melville and Nathaniel Hawthorne, the limitations placed onwomen in nineteenth-century America in general, and EmilyDickinson's own self-limiting reclusive exist ence -- differ fromour late-twentieth-century circumstances, nonetheless Dickinson'spoetry presents the overall shape of the subjective process underlying addiction in such an abstract form, that the work inquestion speaks to us directly over a century later. The circumstances alluded to above brought the poet into a situation in which she was caught between the desire to communicate her reflections on life -- she sent poems as both letters and aesthetic objects with illustrations of a collage character to friends -- and the distrust of worldly success and fame proceeding from the Puritanical tradition embodied in the writings of the eighteenth-century preacher Jonathan Edwards. Whereas a later --and ma... ...mith, Barbara Herrnstein. Poetic Closure: A Study of HowPoems End. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1968. Turner, Clara Newman. "My Personal Acquaintance with Emily Dickinson" in Sewall, Richard B., The Life of EmilyDickinson vol. 1. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux,1974. Van Wyck, William. "Emily Dickinson's Songs out of Sorrow." Personalist, 18, no.2 (Spring/April 1937), 183-89. Webster, Noah. A Dictionary of the English Language...inTwo Volumes. London: Black, Young, and Young, 1828. An American Dictionary of the EnglishLanguage...Revised and Enlarged by Chauncey Goodrich. Springfield: Merriam, 1855. Whicher, George Frisbie. "New England Poet" in Mornings at8:50. Northampton: The Hampshire Bookshop, 1950. This Was a Poet: A Critical Biography of EmilyDickinson. New York: Scribner's, 1938. Wolff, Cynthia Griffin. Emily Dickinson. New York:Knopf, 1986.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Breaking the Rules, Wrong or Right

Ismayrani Olmos October 20, 2015 English 2. Peeples. 1st period Breaking the Rules, Wrong or Right? Is it ever okay to break the rules to get what you want? Well it is never okay to break the rules to get what you want. Do you know what that is called? Greed, acquisitive, avaricious, self-seeking. You become so caught up in winning or getting what you want that to satisfy your desires that you disobey the rules. Regulations that have been set so that things run smoothly or fairly for that matter. The unimaginable depravity it requires to commit such a wicked perverse act is unbelievable.It is wrong, unfair, and disrespectful to the other person who of which you are cheating. Take this for example, lying on your food stamps application. You are cheating the government and actually stealing. There are people, families that apply for food stamps and are truly in need of them and they are rejected. And if you really sit down and think about it you are taking away that opportunity from th ose who are really do need that extra help, but don’t get to receive it all because you don’t want to have to pay with your money.Money that comes from your pocket. Money that you do have. Instead you are taking advantage of the governments money. That is to loathe, it is unfair to the other people who are rejected but need it. Another example to take into consideration is not paying your taxes. When you do not pay your taxes to the IRS, for starters it's wrong and at the end you come out loosing because they will find you and you will pay all that you have been holding back on. There are people who do pay their part.What makes you think that you are anymore special to feel you have the liberty to no pay just because you don't feel like it. Nobody in their right mind has the authority to say they won't pay taxes. If the case is that you just want to save a little more money well then cut back on extra things that you really don't need to be buying or start couponing. Y ou can even go looking for sales. There is nothing wrong with saving money but there is a lot of wrong doing when you decide you are not going to pay the IRS.Paying your do's is a must. There are thousands and thousands of people who work extremely hard for what they want, whether if it's a position at the office, a higher title in a business, or even a spot on the team. What ever it may be, and then for some stranger to come along one day and cheat his or her way in without doing any sort of backbreaking work to have received what you so desperately put all your blood and sweat in.To want something just doesn't cut it. You have to work even fight if it's necessary to get what you want. When and while you do it the right way, meaning you don't play dirty, throwing people under the bust. Then when that day comes you will be recognized as worthy of what you are receiving and not seen as an egoistic person. So next time you see something that yo want are you going to think twice about how you are going to obtain it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pride and Prejudice is considered a classic novel Essay

Throughout high school, students are asked to read classic novels for book reports and essays. Many of them are unsure of what aspects a book must possess in order to be considered a true classic. Mostly, the majority of students are reluctant about reading these classic novels because they assume the novels will be lackluster compared to modern literature. However, many of them would be pleasantly surprised after reading some of the books that are considered classic. Clare Washbrook, a member of the National Association of Teacher of English, considers a classic novel to be moral, truthful, appealing, and relevant. Analyzing these aspects will prove that Pride and Prejudice is a classic novel. Morality is a common theme throughout many classic novels. Clare Washbrook believes that â€Å"a classic novel will usually say something of value and draw attention to human problems† ( These novels will teach a lesson within the text. Pride and Prejudice repeatedly portrays the pride and vanity that is a common human problem within literature. â€Å"A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us,† (Austen page?). The text helps to prove that if pride is put aside, happiness can be achieved. When Darcy puts his pride aside and confesses his love for Elizabeth, it sets forth a series of events that in the end bring them together. Morality is an obvious necessary component of a classic novel, but truthfulness helps connect the reader to the story being told. Truthfulness should appear in any novel considered classic. ClareWashbrook mentions that it is important to believe what is being said. This is a significant characteristic because the reader must connect with the text. The literature must be believable otherwise a reader will not be able to understand or visualize what is occurring. The content of Pride and Prejudice is sincere because many events that occur can be related to modern day. â€Å"I love him. Indeed he has no improper pride. He is perfectly amiable,† (Austen 314). At this point in the book, Elizabeth speaks to her father about marrying Mr. Darcy. Her father was questioning her love because she once loathed him. Elizabeth removes her prior prejudice and sees the true side of Mr. Darcy. Thing of this nature occur in society quite often. The  truthfulness of a novel adds to the connection a reader feels with the writing. Lastly, a classic novel must have lasting relevance. Audiences should be able to connect with what is being said at any time period. Clare Washbrook states that â€Å"[the novel] should†¦ display universal constants† ( Some examples of universal constants provided by Clare Washbrook include love, fear, and death. Pride and Prejudice portrays examples of love and fear throughout he novel, which are two very familiar aspects of humans. Bingley and Jane are in love. Darcy is falling in love with Elizabeth. Darcy wants to avoid falling in love with Elizabeth because he has too much pride in himself and is fearful of what may happen if he falls in love. These events are fairly significant to the modern world. The characteristics of classic literature may be unclear to many students, but it is certain that these novels are moral, truthful, and relevant to today’s society. Although young readers are often reluctant about reading classics, many times they end up enjoying them because they have more substance than modern literature. Though the aspects of a classic novel are debatable, there is no doubt that Pride and Prejudice is considered a timeless classic. Works Cited Washbrook, Clare. â€Å"Literature: Fahrenheit 451.† All Experts. 11 Sept. 2007. .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tips for Teaching Vocabulary to Students with Dyslexia

Tips for Teaching Vocabulary to Students with Dyslexia Building reading vocabulary is a challenge for students with dyslexia, who have a hard time learning new words in print and in word recognition. They often have a discrepancy between their spoken vocabulary, which may be strong, and their reading vocabulary. Typical vocabulary lessons may include writing a word sometimes 10 times, looking it up in a dictionary and writing a sentence with the word. All of these passive approaches to vocabulary will not by themselves help students with dyslexia very much. Multisensory approaches to learning have been found effective in teaching children with dyslexia and there are many ways this can be applied to teaching. The following list provides tips and suggestions for teaching vocabulary to students with dyslexia. Assign each student one or two vocabulary words. Depending on the number of students in the class and the number of vocabulary words, there may be several children with the same word. During class or for homework, students must come up with a way of presenting the word to the class. For example, a student could write a list of synonyms, draw a picture to represent the word, write a sentence using the word or the write the word in different colors on a large paper. Each student comes up with their own way to explain and present the word to the class. All the students with one word stand up and present their word, giving the class a multi-dimensional view of the word and its meaning. Begin with multisensory information on each vocabulary word. Use pictures or demonstrations to help the students see the meaning of a word as each word is presented. Later, as the students are reading, they can recall the illustration or the demonstration to help remember what the word means. Create a word bank where vocabulary words can have a permanent home in the classroom. When words are seen often, students are more likely to remember them and use them in their writing and speech. You can also create customized flash cards for each student to practice vocabulary words. Talk about synonyms and how these words are both the same and different than the vocabulary words. For example, if your vocabulary word is terrified, a synonym might be frightened. Explain how terrified and frightened both mean you are scared of something but that being terrified is being very frightened. Have students demonstrate the varying degrees of being scared to make the lesson more interactive. Play charades. This is a great way to review vocabulary words. Write each vocabulary word on a paper and place in a hat or jar. Each student draws one paper and acts out the word. Give points when a student uses a vocabulary word while talking. You can also give points if a student notices someone, in or out of school, use a vocabulary word. If outside of the class, the student must write down where and when they heard the word and who said it in their conversation. Include vocabulary words in your classroom discussions. If you keep a word bank in the classroom, continue to review it so you can use these words when teaching to the whole class or when speaking individually with a student. Create a classroom story with the vocabulary words. Write each word on a piece of paper and have each student pick out one word. Start a story off with one sentence and have students take turns adding a sentence to the story, using their vocabulary word. Have students choose vocabulary words. When beginning a new story or book, have students glance through the story to find words they are unfamiliar with and write them down. Once you have collected the lists, you can compare to see which words turned up most frequently to create a custom vocabulary lesson for your class. Students will have more motivation to learn words if they help to pick out the words.Use multisensory activities when learning new words. Have students write the word using sand, finger paint or pudding paint. Have them trace the word with their fingers, say the word out loud, listen as you say the word, draw a picture to represent the word and use it in a sentence. The more senses you include in your teaching and the more often you include and see vocabulary words, the more the students will remember the lesson.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The best college towns for student to live

The best college towns for student to live Top 20 college towns for students While choosing a university, it is very important to pay a great attention on its location. You should really enjoy living in your chosen place. We have written a list of the best towns and cities across the USA for a student to live and study. Athens, Georgia Athens is a great place for students, who really enjoy music, arts and theatre. It is known as the ‘Live Music Central’ and it is a native city for many famous artists and actors. The University of Georgia is the first state university in this state.   Athens hosts the annual summer Arts Festival, which attracts a lot of visitors. Moreover, it is not very expensive to live here. Malibu, California Malibu is a favorite place among the students of Pepperdine University. This university always does its best to cater to all the religious needs of the Christian students. Moreover, it is highly ranked in law and business programs. Malibu is famous for its tourism and hospitality industry, so it is not a problem for the college graduates to find a good job here. St. Augustine, Florida St. Augustine is a home of Flagler College, which originally was founded for the women. Students can enjoy living in the wonderful dormitories, which are located in Ponce de Leon Hotel. This city is the oldest in Florida and is famous for its rich Spanish history. You will be impressed with Spanish Military Hospital Museum and Castille de San Marco. Athens, Ohio Athens is a wonderful college town, which is surrounded by hills. It is interesting, that this town was named after Athens, which is situated in Greece. It is also known as a Tree City due to a great amount of trees. Students of Ohio University can go hiking here and enjoy beautiful scenery. The economy of Athens depends mainly on Ohio University. South Bend, Indiana South Bend is located on the St. Joseph river and is the biggest cultural and economic center of Northern Indiana. The famous University of Notre Dame is situated here. It has a superior medical system and a rich business community. South Bend is the headquarters of The Bosch Corporation and The Honeywell Corporation. Oxford, Mississippi Oxford boasts its historic sites, restaurants, specialty boutiques, bookstores and music venues. This city is a wonderful place for the music lovers, as many famous musicians have recorded their albums here. The famous writer William Faulkner was born here. The University of Mississippi is one of the Top 20 on Forbes Best Value Colleges List. Madison, Wisconsin Madison is a wonderful college town, which is situated between four lakes. It is the capital city of the state of Wisconsin, which is notable for its continued economic growth. It is a great place for all the students to start a successful career and find intellectual stimulation. Syracuse, New York Syracuse has two research universities: Upstate Medical University and Syracuse University. University Hill is the main educational and business district in this city. It is famous for being the city with the most snowfall in the whole country! Syracuse can also impress its students with wonderful performing arts. Santa Cruz, California Santa Cruz is a home to the University of California, which offers its students both graduate and undergraduate research opportunities. It is a picturesque, sunny and warm city by Pacific Ocean, which definitely has a lot to offer!   Logan, Utah Logan is a wonderful city for the students of Utah State University. It is extremely picturesque due to the astonishing Rocky Mountain Range. It is famous for its community parks and the Bear Lake. Every student can hike, ski, bike or fish here. Utah State University offers its students excellent extracurricular and curricular activities. State College, Pennsylvania State College is famous for Pennsylvania State University, which is famous among the students. Both graduate and undergraduate students always have the opportunities of employment. The campus of the university is often called ‘Happy Valley†. Panama City, Florida Panama City is a home to Gulf Coast State College, which can boast its high job placement rate. This city attracts a lot of students, because it overlooks the Gulf of Mexico. Students can enjoy amazing restaurants, parks, shopping and a thriving nightlife. Panama City is also a popular holiday destination during Spring Break. Auburn, Alabama Auburn University is the largest university in Alabama. Auburn is a wonderful college town with its film festivals, art museums and theater venues. The best study programs At the university are counseling, pharmacy, and engineering. The East Alabama Medical Center and the Walmart Distribution Center are situated in Auburn. Ithaca, New York Ithaca attracts students with its beautiful landscapes and high-quality education. Cornell University is one of the top 20 colleges in the country. It is prestigious to study English, law, business, computer science, engineering, and medicine here. Long Beach, California Long Beach is considered to be one of the most culturally diverse cities in the country. It is famous for the California State University in Long Beach, where students can choose among the best academic disciplines. This university is very diverse ethically. Long Beach is a host to several theater and music festivals. Gainesville, Florida Gainesville has a strong educational value. It is a home to Sante Fe College. It is considered to be the best college town in the whole North America. It also has one of the largest campuses in the USA. It is interesting, that the popular drink Gatorade was invented here. Boulder, Colorado Boulder impresses its students with Great Plains the Rocky Mountains. You will be definitely amazed by its beautiful views! This place is perfect for those students, who are outdoor activists and nature enthusiasts. The University of Colorado is famous for its programs in engineering and business. Brunswick, Georgia Brunswick is a magnificent coastal city, which can offer students a lot of activities to do. It is a home of the four-year College of Coastal Georgia, which can boast its programs at education, coastal ecology, business, nursing, and biology. Wellesley, Massachusetts Wellesley is notable for its Wellesley College, which offers students excellent programs in the liberal arts. The employers of some large businesses are always willing to welcome its graduates. You will be definitely impressed by its charming streets and historic houses. Durham, North Carolina Durham is a home of Duke University, which is one of the top 10 universities in the whole country. It can boast its programs at clinical psychology, medicine, and law. Durham has the definitive support for the arts, so students can enjoy various art, music, film, and dance festivals.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Do Colleges Average Your ACT Score

Do Colleges Average Your ACT Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Like most students who take the ACT, you may have taken the test more than once or are thinking about taking it multiple times. How will colleges look at your multiple test scores? Will they look at all your scores? Just your highest score? Will they average your scores and use that number?Standardized test scores are an important part of applying to college, but it’s not always clear how colleges will determine your ACT scores if you’ve taken the test more than once. Will colleges average your ACT scores if you take the test multiple times? In short, no.Colleges don’t take the average of your scores. Instead, they will look at your â€Å"best† score;however, there are multiple ways a school can determine your best ACT score.In this article, I’ll go over the different methods schools use to look at multiple ACT scores, if they require you to send all your ACT scores, and how you can use this information to your advantage and help strengthen your college applications. Do You Need to Send Schools All Your ACT Scores? Before you start wondering what colleges do with multiple ACT scores, the first thing you need to know is whether they require you to send the results of every ACT you took in the first place. Infact, most schools do NOTrequire you to send in all your scores, and ACT, Inc. makes it easy to choose which scores you want to send with an option referred to asScore Choice. (Note that the phrase "Score Choice" is technically more associated with the SAT Score Choice program, but the ACT has a similar policy for its own test score reporting.) Schools that require you to send in all of your ACT scores will be referred to as "All Scores" schools. Both types of schools are discussed in more detail below. Score Choice ACT Score Choice gives you the option to send schools only the ACT scores you want them to see,rather than sending scores from every ACT you took. On the score report request form, you will be asked to list your college of choice and the test date you want to send on each line. For schools that allow Score Choice, if you did poorly on one test date, you don’t need to send that score to schools, and they will never see it. This means that if you take the ACT sixtimes, you can choose to send only your best score, or your best two scores, or as many scores as you'd like. Be aware that ifyou are using Score Choice and choose to send your scores from a specific test, you must send your scores for the entire test; you cannot only send individual section scores to schools. All Scores Some schools, including certain highly selective schools like Yale and Stanford, requireyou to send all your ACT scores.This means that you cannot use Score Choice, and youmust send them the scoresofevery ACT you took, even if there was a particular test date when you didn’t score as well as you usually do. So, if you took the ACT six times, you need to send these schoolsyour results from each of those six test dates. Check out our complete list of the schools that require you to send all your ACT scores. Only some schools require you to send all your ACT scores What Do Colleges Do If You Send Multiple ACT Scores? You may end up sending a school more than one ACT score, either because theyrequire it or because you earnedmultiple strong scores and want schools to see them. So what do colleges do if they receive more than one ACT score from you? There are several options, and each isexplained below. Highest Sitting Most schools, if you send them more than one ACT score, will simply use yourhighest ACT composite score from a single test date. So, if you took the ACT three times and received composite scores of 28, 29, and 30, the school would use your composite and section scores of the test date when you received a 30. Superscoring Another method that some schools use to determine your best score is called superscoring.When a school uses superscoring, that means they consideryour highest section scores across all the dates you took the ACT and combine theminto a superscore. Look at the example below to see how superscoring works. English Math Reading Science Composite Exam 1 25 31 30 27 28 Exam 2 27 29 32 28 29 Exam 3 30 33 30 27 30 Superscore 30 33 32 28 31 This student took the ACT three times, and, as you can see, her composite superscore is higher than any of the composite ACT scores for individual test dates. This is because superscoring combined all of her highest section scores from across the three tests. If you take the ACT with Writing, that section isalso included in superscoring. For schools that use superscoring, this student would be considered to have a composite ACT score of 31, and her section scores would be each of those listed under the Superscore row. Superscoring benefits you because schools combine your best scores from each section of the ACT into one superscore, even if those scores didn’t occur in the same test.Wondering which colleges use superscoring? We have a complete list of schools that superscore the ACT. Will Schools Look at Your Other Scores? Regardless of whether a school uses superscoring or highest sitting, will they look at your "non-best" ACT scores as well? There's no clear-cut answer to this question since it varies for each school and often for each applicant; however,many times schools will look at your other test scores, even if your best score is the one they give the most weight to. This is particularly true for schools that require all scores sent. In these cases, your scores still won't be averaged, but schools mayreview all your scores and make inferences if there were any outliers. For example, if you take the ACT three times and get composite scores of 32, 27, and 33, most schools will use 33 as your "official" ACT score, but they may wonder why you got a 27 for one test. One outlier score will usually have a small, if any, impact on your application, but it's still important to never blow off an ACT examjust because you think schools will only look at your best score. As mentioned above, schools that allow Score Choice only see the scores you send them, so you can take the ACT several times and only send your highest scorein order for that to be the only resultsthey see. The next sections give more recommendations on howyou can use school score policies toplan and improve your ACT preparation methods. Can You Take the ACT as Many Times as You Want? Since most schools will useyour best ACT score, either by using superscoring or highest sitting, does that mean you can take the ACT as many times as you want in order to maximize your chances of getting a high score? Not exactly. You are allowed to take the ACT up to 12 times, and schools will continue touse your best score from those tests, whether by using superscoring or highest sitting.However, itisnot recommended that you actually take the ACT 12 times. Generally, you shouldn’t take the ACT more than five or six times. Taking the ACT more than six times can cause schools to think you don’t take the test seriously or have trouble improving your scores. It can also becomevery stressful and time-consuming,not to mention extremely expensive, because you have to keep paying to take the ACT and to send your scores to schools.Taking the ACT as many times as you can is particularly a bad idea if one of yourschools requires All Scores sentbecause itincreases the chance of you having an off-day and getting a lower than usual score, which those schools will see and which can possibly hurt your chances of being admitted. Instead of taking the ACT as many times as you can, you should instead look at your test prep methods and how effective they are. Is your studying targeting and improving your weak areas? Are you learning what mistakes you make and how to avoid them? By putting time and effort into studying effectively, you will be able to reach your target ACT score more easily than simply taking the ACT over and over.In general, we recommend taking the ACT two-three times to get your best score, regardless of whether the schools you’re applying to use superscoring or highest sitting to determine your best score. Don't just take the ACT as many times as you can; it can hurt your college applications. How Can You Use Score Policies to Improve Your ACT Prep? If you know which schools you want to apply to, you can look at their score policies and use them to help guide your test-taking strategy. If the schools you’re applying to use superscoring, then you can maximize your superscore by studying for and gaining a strong score in one ACT section at a time.For a more in-depth explanation of this strategy, check out our guide on how superscoring can affect your test strategy. If a school uses highest sitting, then you should continue to study each section of the ACT in order to maximize your composite score. For schools that require All Scores sent, you will want to make sure you are well-prepared each time you take the ACT. Those schools will see all of your exam scores, so you don’t want one bad test day to hurt your college applications. You will also want to keep studying for each section of the ACT, even if you are only trying to improve your score in one specific section. You don't want scores from your other sections to drop on a retake. Even if the schools you’re applying to allow superscoring orScore Choice, you should always take the ACT seriously.As mentioned above, a very low score canbe a red flag to schools, and it’s also just a waste of your time and money. Conclusion Most students take the ACT multiple times, and schools have different policies for reviewing multiple test scores. Most schools don't require you to send scores from all the ACTs you took. Score Choice is a way for you to choose which ACT results you want schools to see. If you send multiple ACT scores, schoolswon’t average them, but instead will useone of two methods to determine your "best score." Some schools combine your highest section scores from multiple tests into a Superscore. This is known as Superscoring. Other schools look at your highest score from a single test date. Knowing which scoring policy schools use can help you structure your test prep and test-taking strategies to maximize your ACT scores for college applications. What's Next? First, what’s a good ACT score? Read our article on good, bad, and excellent ACT scores so you can identify and prepare for your target score. Wondering when you should take the ACT? Read this article to figure out the best dates for you. Check out our complete study plan for the ACTso you can keep up with your studying and make the most of every test date! Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points?We have the industry's leading ACT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and ACT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Brand, Why are famous brand products attractive people Essay

Brand, Why are famous brand products attractive people - Essay Example â€Å"Brands are not simply products or services. Brands are the sum totals of all the images that people have in their heads about a particular company and a particular mark. Brands absorb everything around them like Imelda Marcos in the shoe department at Nordstrom† (Scott Bedbury, CEO of Brandstream, a Seattle-based marketing consultancy, quoted in Kalin, 2001). Indeed the term has come to refer to not only the images a company produces in order to call their product or services to mind, but also the products sold, the services rendered, the building in which the company is headquartered or even the country in which it originated as well as the methods used to project these ideas and images to the broader public. To remain competitive in the world today, just about anything can be identified with a brand if it is so chosen – companies, museums, hospitals, even individual people (look at Martha Stewart for a prime example). When services are excellent, products exceed expectations, lines are in high demand and the public knows your name, branding can provide a significant assist in boosting international sales. This is the positive side of branding that allows a company to walk into a new country or territory with an already hungry consumer base. According to Aaker (1996), strong brands work for the company to help them establish their proper placement within the international and local marketplace as well as assisting in the development of a strong consumer base through broad recognition of the brand. This recognition then further works for the company by serving as a weapon to counter growing competition in a shrinking market (Barwise & Robertson, 1992). Corporations can then further use this position to help launch new extensions, such as a line of athletic clothes for Nike or a new flavor for Toblerone (Aaker & Keller, 1990). The use of celebrities in this regard has been generally considered

Vulnerable Population and Self- Awareness Research Paper

Vulnerable Population and Self- Awareness - Research Paper Example Primarily, intellectual disability is associated with many stereotypes and myths by many individuals. The culture has engraved some biases and stereotypes on the condition, as well as on the individuals suffering from the condition. Moreover, some families are reluctant to seek medical intervention for fear of being stigmatized by the rest of the community, while other families have resulted in uncouth way of dealing with the sufferers. The result of this is that the sufferers of intellectual disabilities have agonized in this condition, which can otherwise be managed, treated or even reversed. One of the biases associated to intellectual disability sufferers is that they have a lower life expectancy compared to other normal people. However, studies have shown that there is no clear link between severity of intellectual disability and survival of individuals. In addition, research shows that â€Å"the average life expectancy were found to be 74.0, 67.6, and 58.6 years for people with mild, moderate, and severe levels of handicap† (Bittles, et al. 2001). On the other hand, the mild cognitive disability is said to be three times common than the other types. Moreover, there are diseases that are linked with people with mental retardation they include cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, vision, and hearing impairments and hyperactivity disorder. The number of people living with ID, getting married and raising a family has been rising in the recent years. This is unlike in the past when people with cognitive disability where thought to be unfit for this role, especially parenting; however, â€Å"with proper support, adequate education, counseling programmes, social and government support they can sustain meaningful enriching relationships† (May, 2000, p. 121). Despite this happening, compared to normal people, the couples with ID generally have lower family sizes, with

Friday, October 18, 2019

Comparing internet search engines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparing internet search engines - Essay Example Excite does have such categorization; however the classification with regard to sponsored links and common links are not evident from the search engine. The usability of Alta Vista is larger than Excite. Page layout is better in Alta Vista than Excite. It scores better in usability as per Neilson (2007) which stresses on white background and blue in the pages. The standard links in blue also make a large impact in determining the visibility of the links on the white background. Use of wildcards is quite evident in Alta Vista which is one of the prime features in this search engine. The use of wild cards would not result in any search help in Excite as the feature is not visible. The proximity of searching is done for fetching the closest words near to the meaning of the words to be searched. The idea is to search the relative keywords for the words supplied for searching. The feature of large importance is the search results. It is justified in case of Excite to have so less search results, that the connector element is OR, so it puts an OR clause between every keyword which makes it vulnerable to search less. This is one of the biggest disadvantages of Excite. On the other hand, Alta Vista puts an AND clause in between the words to search the topic and ensure that all the various searches are enlisted at large. This provides a very close match for the topic. The page payout is simple and search results are faster in Alta vista in spite of its display of million records. In comparison, some of the links and features like the drop down button at the top left corner of the Excite search give an error page. Hyperlinks follow standard HTML conventions; they are blue and underlined providing clarity to the user. Links are self-describing and adhere to the heuristic guideline speak the users language (Singh, 2003). A point of difference is that, Excite uses other search engines for displaying content and this is evident from the option it

CIS329 Week 123 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CIS329 Week 123 - Assignment Example b) The type of hardware and site of installation should also be part of checklist. The hardware type can be used to solve compatibility issues with other hardware while installation site will ensure that adequate space is chosen for the occupancy of the hardware equipment (General 2011). a) In terms of user interface, win 7 supported touch screen although it was not perfect or ideal, that is, it did not have control features that are sufficiently good. Win 8 on the other hand has improved touch screen support. An example is that of desktop which is far better in such a way that the user can close window and be able to choose menu items without any problem. b) Windows8 also has improved performance in terms of short response time as compared to win7 since it has quicker ways of opening the target programs rather than just relying on menus given that the interface is built for touch. The additional advanced features of windows 8 also make it safer in terms of security features than win 7. a) It is necessary to bypass the use of digital signatures to validate or protect device drivers in situations where non-embedded intelligent Guards against Disasters (iGADs) does not have device driver. b) In the case where non embedded iGAD do not have, one or more disaster management applications is used to run on some platforms and thus digital signatures may not be necessary for protection (Liu et al., 2013). a) The key guideline that one should meet in order to justify an administrator’s decision to bypass the use of digital signatures when validating device drivers is the design guideline. This is because the design guideline has the basics of ensuring that many levels of security and dependability are open, modular and cost effective(Di Sarno, 2011). a) Both software restriction policy and AppLocker use group policy for domain management. Nevertheless, AppLocker takes precedence over software restriction policy on computer running windows

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Strategy Report ( FORD) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategy Report ( FORD) - Essay Example As part of the company’s business success, Ford UK managed to increase its car sales from 7,542 last February 2011 up to 8,957 last February 2012 (Ford, 2012b). One of the best strategies that made Ford become successful is its ability to expand its business through joint-venture programmes and acquisitions and close down the underperforming manufacturing plants. As part of the company’s global expansion strategies, Ford has been continuously entering into joint-venture with different foreign companies to improve and expand its production facilities. In 2008, Ford decided to acquire Automobile Craiova in Romania as its majority stake owner. After acquiring Automobile Craiova, Ford was able to operating its new vehicle production plant to serve the engine needs of its Ford B-Max (Ford Media, 2012a). Likewise, the company is also using this particular production plant to produce low-capacity engines for cars (de, 2009). Despite Ford’s continuous acquisition, the company is recently planning to close down its car plant in eastern Belgium (Associated Press, 2012). By doing so, the company can save a lot from its fixed operating cost. In response to the tight market competition in the world market of automobile products, Ford is being challenged to establish its production plant in another country. Through joint-venture and acquisition, the company was able to put up a new production plant within the earliest possible time. Since Ford is planning to close down its car plant in eastern Belgium, the company is expected to face serious problems with its employees and subcontractors. Therefore, future research will focus on Ford can enter into a win-win negotiation with the affected stakeholders. To investigate internal and external factors that can affect Ford’s strategy, a SWOT and PEST analysis will be conducted. Basically, the proposed research plan will make use of phenomenological approach to research. Since the main problem associated with

How themes from gospel songs and the songs themselves have repeatedly Essay

How themes from gospel songs and the songs themselves have repeatedly been used in a rhythm and blues context - Essay Example This led to repetition of gospel music in a rhythm and blues context. Blues music can be said to be that music that developed from a blue note. Blues emerged as a result of self expression of the African-American community members in the United States of America, from gospel music, work songs, chant songs, and rhymed songs mainly meant to describe desperate moods of the African-Americans. At that time, according to Charles (2004) black music was termed as inferior. Blues music never needed other accompaniments during performances but, after some time they accepted the use of rhythm groups and horns rather than just the gutter alone. The general format of blues music can be traced back to the African music format of chorus answer format. It was noted that bluesmen like Skip James, Charley Patton, and Georgia Tom Dorsey are known to gain influence from spiritual songs. Gospel music developed in the early 1930s where most of the artists started performing gospel music in churches. Music ians such as King, Ruth Brown and Ray Charles are the leaders on transformation of country blues to modern blues and the developments of music blues from Soul. They are also credited for the improvement of vocal techniques that are applicable in the today’s contemporary world. Blues music was accused and named as having a great relationship with the devil's works. Over the years, it was known to incite violence among the city dwellers in the urban areas. According to Charles (2004), the artists protect the view, and there is no difference between blues, and other form of music. In gospel music, they use Jesus and blues they use baby. Arnold Show presents the golden year of the R& B music. During this time, the blues musicians who played the music came from the same place. For instance, the Chicago blues, all the musicians came from Chicago. It is also noted that blues is blues and that the tune does not change that s why gospel themes have been repeated severally (Arnold, 199 6). Ruth Brown and Dinah Washington are recorded as the first female R&B artists to perform blues and rhythms in a church setting. They succeeded in their music but, faced numerous challenges from the white community. In the long run, they ended up performing on stage as white singers. Ruth and Andrew (1996) indicate that this fact led to the success of their music both among the blacks and whites. Charles (2004) noted that he has been popular R&B artist for a long of time from 1930 to 2004. He is a singer, pianist, arranger, saxophonist, and bandleader. He is known to develop gospel music fused with, melodies, singing styles, harmonic and rhythmic patterns of gospels and secular remix. These influenced several singers to follow his procedures of fusing secular music with gospel music. Jerry Wexler, another R&B artist is known to have his music pass through the period of race till the modern era, where his music is known to influence many teenagers in the society. It was evident tha t the problem of fussing gospel music and secular music was rampant and, it became difficult for blacks to sell their music to the whites. The whites concentrated on selling their popularly known music and, never had any interest in Negro music. The demand of negro music was mainly from black buyers, the reason why gospel music kept repeating itself in blues and rhythm contexts. With the improvement of blues music, the whites started buying black music and the market moved from

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Strategy Report ( FORD) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategy Report ( FORD) - Essay Example As part of the company’s business success, Ford UK managed to increase its car sales from 7,542 last February 2011 up to 8,957 last February 2012 (Ford, 2012b). One of the best strategies that made Ford become successful is its ability to expand its business through joint-venture programmes and acquisitions and close down the underperforming manufacturing plants. As part of the company’s global expansion strategies, Ford has been continuously entering into joint-venture with different foreign companies to improve and expand its production facilities. In 2008, Ford decided to acquire Automobile Craiova in Romania as its majority stake owner. After acquiring Automobile Craiova, Ford was able to operating its new vehicle production plant to serve the engine needs of its Ford B-Max (Ford Media, 2012a). Likewise, the company is also using this particular production plant to produce low-capacity engines for cars (de, 2009). Despite Ford’s continuous acquisition, the company is recently planning to close down its car plant in eastern Belgium (Associated Press, 2012). By doing so, the company can save a lot from its fixed operating cost. In response to the tight market competition in the world market of automobile products, Ford is being challenged to establish its production plant in another country. Through joint-venture and acquisition, the company was able to put up a new production plant within the earliest possible time. Since Ford is planning to close down its car plant in eastern Belgium, the company is expected to face serious problems with its employees and subcontractors. Therefore, future research will focus on Ford can enter into a win-win negotiation with the affected stakeholders. To investigate internal and external factors that can affect Ford’s strategy, a SWOT and PEST analysis will be conducted. Basically, the proposed research plan will make use of phenomenological approach to research. Since the main problem associated with

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

ASSIGNMENT Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment Example Users can then withdraw money from their NationHela cards using the readily available mobile phone money transfer schemes. Alternatively, a user can pay for purchases using the loaded NationHela card at outlets that accept debit cards. Using a NationHela debit card is extremely convenient for most people as it eliminates the risks involved in carrying cash. One does not also need to go to the bank for each withdrawal since the system allows users to withdraw money through their mobile phones. NationHela is the best money transfer method, for Kenyan freelancers to use in receiving money from abroad because it is dependable, trustworthy, and versatile. The advert is trying to sell NationHela as dependable way of receiving money from abroad and does so in a manner that psychologically and visually convinces the reader. It employs factors such as symbolism, color, and psychological manipulation. The African people have always visualized the dollar as a symbol of financial freedom and ema ncipation from poverty. Portraying the money in US dollars plays with the reader’s mind such that it gives the impression of added wealth. This way, a reader is convinced that they are going to experience the much needed financial liberation if they use the NationHela card. Therefore, NationHela is a dependable way for freelancers to improve their financial status. Color plays a significant role in conveying messages. The lady in the picture is wearing a pink top, pink necklace, pink earrings, and a blue pair of jeans. In addition, she is carrying a black and white stripped handbag and portrays an image of a successful, well-groomed woman. These features influence the female customers to think that using NationHela will give them success in life. Pink is a symbol of feminism mostly associated with affluence. The use of pink works on the psychology of potential female customers. It convinces them that they will be able to acquire beauty and style with the money received via Na tionHela. A handbag is a lady’s accessory that primarily carries money among other things. The handbag in the advertisement consists of black and white. Black symbolizes wealth and power in Western culture (Symbolism of color. Using color for meaning) whereas white symbolizes simplicity and precision. Therefore, a combination of the two colors on the handbag implies that the woman is carrying power and wealth and that this wealth has been obtained in an effortless and precise manner. A blue NationHela debit card is included at the bottom left corner of the advert. People perceive blue as â€Å"trustworthy, dependable, and committed† (â€Å"Color: Meaning, Symbolism and Psychology†). Thus, the blue debit card together with the symbolism of other colors in the advert give the impression that NationHela is a trustworthy venture for freelancers, making it the best money transfer method. A lucrative commercial also employs the right models to portray the intended mes sage correctly. The advert uses two models, a male and a female. The female model has a pleasantly surprised look on her face, seems extremely happy, and looks back at an outstretched hand holding 500 US dollar notes. It looks as if like she was on her way to a different place before a hand holding cash beckoned her. The other model’s appearance is not fully shown with only the hand appearing in the picture. In spite of this, one can deduce

Monday, October 14, 2019

Kathmandu Enter Into Chinese Market Essay Example for Free

Kathmandu Enter Into Chinese Market Essay With the rapid development of economy and society, Chinese market has attracted a great number of attentions from foreign companies. Therefore, how to enter into Chinese market and how to be a successful company in China has become a realistic issue faced by business managers, entrepreneurs and consultants. This essay will focus on introducing one Australian local brand â€Å"Kathmandu† which is an outdoor sport equipment company into Chinese market. Thus, a detailed analysis of the current situation of the Chinese market and this foreign company is indispensable. Firstly, this paper will analyze the current situation of the Chinese outdoor sport market and the Chinese economy, and then identify the strengths and weakness of the Kathmandu Company when entering into Chinese market. Subsequently, selection of entry modes and partner and recommendations will be provided to deal with or to reduce the risks when enter into the Chinese outdoor sport market. 2. BACKGROUND ABOUT KATHMANDU COMPANY Kathmandu Holdings Limited was established by John Pawson and Jan Cameron in 1987. The company started off as a small outdoor apparel shop in New Zealand and in 25 years has grown to a multi-national brand primarily producing outdoor sport clothing and equipment which combine with the advanced technology, high quality and high comfort level. Such as, tents and shelters, packs and luggage, sleeping gear, outdoor clothing, footwear and other accessories of outdoor. In 2006, one Australasian private equity company fully acquired Kathmandu for NZ$275 million. Currently Kathmandu does the business in Australia, New Zealand and England. The company slogan aims to capture young and adventurous individuals and the marketing strategy has been built around this notion (Kathmandu, 2012). 3. OPPORTUNITIES OF CHINESE OUTDOOR MARKET 3. 1 Outdoor sport in China Along with the development of economy and living stander, outdoor sport becomes increasingly popular in China. In China, outdoor sport was started at Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai in 1999(Chinese News, 2011). Currently, combing with pressure reducing, such sport increase quite fast and become one kind of society fashion. There are four outdoor sport activities which include High Mountain, exploration, rock climbing and bicycling in China (Chinese outdoor Sport Association, 2012). The outdoor sport is an professional sport activity not only require a good physical quality but also good clothing and equipment to resist the bad environment. Therefore, fast increase of the outdoor sport contributes to sharp augment on demand of outdoor sport clothing and equipment. As reporting by China Outdoor Sport Association, the number of annual sales from existing manufactories of outdoor equipment was 800 million RMB in 2010, while the number of that in 2000 was 60 million RMB, and the number of Chinese participation in the outdoor sport has reached one hundred million (China Outdoor Sport Association, 2012). Hence, along with the unbelievable development of the outdoor sport and the higher demand of outdoor products, obviously, the potential of the Chinese outdoor sport market is quite considerable. 3. 2 Situation of Chinese outdoor market Basic the market research, currently, there are approximately 200 Chinese local outdoor sport brands and around 1100 outdoor clothing and equipment stores. Although the outdoor industry of China is at beginning phases, every year increase 50%. The CEO of the GORE Company which is one of the beat 100 American outdoor equipment companies pointed out that such fast increase would maintain at the least 5 years in China (Simone, 2002). It can be calculated that the Chinese outdoor sport market should be worth around two billion. However, even though the outdoor sport is obtaining swift development, the outdoor market is relatively backward. The local manufactures only produce or provide elementary products or services, lack of the leading company and well-known brand is a serious issue in the local market. Therefore, it is a favorable opportunity for Kathmandu to expend to the Chinese outdoor market, because of the sharp escalation of market demand and insufficient supply of the local outdoor market. 3. 3 Competitors in Chinese outdoor market China already had around 200 local brands in outdoor sport market. However, in such new industry market foreign companies occupied the main position. According to the research, there are four main competitors for Kathmandu in the Chinese outdoor market, which include The North Face that is an American company, it has a long history and produce fine workmanship products, one company of France named ALGLE which entered into China in 1997, and its products are practical and noble. OZARK which is a Switzerland Company and the design of their products is following the characteristic of the Chinese. The last one competitor is Salewa from German (Chinese News, 2011). Compare with these foreign companies, the technology and quality of the local brands are at lower level, particularly, at the aspect of technology. Company is difficult to survive without advanced technology supporting, especially, in the outdoor sport market. Therefore, the outdoor market that has a small number of strong competitors will supply an opportunity for Kathmandu to obtain the biggest market share by adopting the advanced technology. 3. 4 Chinese economic situation For the financial reason, the Chinese market is quite appropriate for the Kathmandu to enter. According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) recourses, in 2010 the number of average disposable personal income of cities and towns was 21033 RMB, which was higher 11. 3% than that in 2009. Meanwhile, the recourses also mentioned that the number of average disposable personal income in cities and towns was 7414 RMB in the first quarter 2011, which was higher 14. 1% than that in 2010 (National Bureau of Statistics, 2011). The increase of the disposable personal income of the Chinese offered an ideally material guarantee for consumption of the outdoor sport, which also means that Chinese has obtained higher purchasing power than before. The Nominal GDP per capita continues experiencing increase since 2001 to 2010 from 8. 3% to 10. 3% (National Bureau of Statistics, 2011). Following the acceleration of the urbanization progress, increasingly Chinese has selected outdoor sport, particularly, the young people. As the China Outdoor Sport Association report 2010, 90% of the participators already have attained high education degrees and the wages in the 65% of them over 5000RMB per month, 20 to 40 years old people occupied 84. 1% (Chinese News, 2011). China possesses the most enormous consumer groups which attract the vision of the world. Such consumer groups will contribute more benefits than England and New Zealand for Kathmandu. According to the National Development and Reform Commission, there is a police of 5 years plant from 2011 to 2015, which will focus on inequality of wealth distribution and shifting emphasis from investment to consumption (National Development and Reform Commission, 2011). Therefore more money will be spent in rural and inland development. So that Kathmandu can expect a growing number of potential customers in the coming 5 years. Therefore, the current situation of the Chinese market is ideally for Kathmandu to attract more customers and to sales more outdoor products. 4. STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF KATHMANDU IN CHINA Kathmandu has sufficient experience on oversea expending. According to the Kathmandu office report, currently, the company of Kathmandu has totally 107 retail stores, 65 located in Australia, 39 in New Zealand and 6 in United Kingdom respectively. In 2003 and 2004, the company entered into the market of United Kingdom, and speedy became one of the top two outdoor brands in the UK. The office report also mentioned that the Kathmandu Company made 237 million AU$ sales and obtained 7 million profit in 2011(Kathmandu, 2012). Therefore, the Kathmandu has sufficient expending experience, which enables to reduce risks that are bought by the insufficient of experience when enter into China. Furthermore, owning of advanced technologies is able to guarantees the leading position in Chinese outdoor market. Specifically, the technologies of anti-wind, anti-fire, waterproof and high heat preservation are adopted by all of their products with high comfortable level. Such advanced technologies are what the Chinese local outdoor equipment market and customers need. However, there are some weaknesses of Kathmandu can not be ignored in Chinese market. Firstly, lack of Guan XI (special relationship) will be the main issue for the company. In Chinese market, it is difficult to obtain long-term profit that making the business without a favorable Guan Xi, particularly, the closing relationship with the Chinese government. The Kathmandu may face some restriction from the Chinese Government. Such as, polices changing, law modifying and the controlling on some local resources, which will bring a great number of obstacles on operation of the Kathmandu company in China. Secondly, low brand awareness will lead to high cost in Chinese market. Obviously, although there is an increase in the demand of western products for the Chinese customers, the products selection of customers is quite cautious, especially on unacquainted brands. The Kathmandu may needs more patience to the Chinese clients to know more about the products of the Kathmandu, in other words, more time is required by the Chinese market. In addition, in such situation, more capitals will be spent by the company on advertising in order to build the name recognition. Thus, these weaknesses may bring some risks for the Kathmandu company operation in China. 5. HOW TO ENTER INTO CHINESE OUTDOOR MARKET 5. 1 Selection of the entry modes The selection of entry modes is crucial for every company when enter into a new market. There are two major entry modes, which include non-equity modes and equity modes (Chen Hui, 2002). As a multinational company and has good expending experience in the UK and New Zealand, it is undeniable that equity modes is appropriate to the Kathmandu when enter into Chinese market. The entry modes contain joint-venture, acquisitions and green-fields (Peter, 2008). Merger and acquisition can assists the Kathmandu directly entering into Chinese market by purchasing the company that already has established in China. However, a large number of capitals are required by the Kathmandu company to merger the Chinese local company, which means more cost will occur when choose this entry method. In addition, social-cultural environment issue should be considered by the western companies, acquisition entry method may be related to a sort of aggression by Chinese duo to the Chinese history, so that some threatens will be faced by the Kathmandu Company, for instant, anti-products and service of the company. The green-fields entry method also requires large number of capitals to support, and this approach is quite complicate to operate. While more freedom in designing the plant, selecting suppliers, and hiring a work force will be contributed by green-field (Ilkaka, 2007). Compare with acquisition and green-field, joint-venture entry method is more appropriate to the Kathmandu Company to enter into the Chinese outdoor market. The reasons as follow, firstly, Beamish pointed out that joint-venture is cheaper to exit compare with green-fields and also has the advantage that benefits the company to directly enter the market of other countries (Beamish, 2001). Secondly, the Kathmandu Company is not familiar with Chinese institutions and regulations, finding a Joint-Venture partner can help understand rules of running business, and the Guan Xi of the Chinese partner can be used by the Kathmandu in China. Moreover, such method will provide strong bargaining power with Joint-Venture partner for the company, as Kathmandu can provide high technical resources and product line which is the crucial issue facing by the Chinese outdoor companies. However, there are some disadvantages that lead to the risks to the Kathmandu Company from the joint-venture entry method. Firstly, the joint-venture may modify the partner to competitor (Swierczak, 1994). Specifically, it is dangerous that giving the advanced technologies to the partner to control. Perhaps the primary goal of the local partner is to control the leading technologies of the Kathmandu; such technologies will be used by other local companies on their products in order to obtain the bigger market share and to make more profit, which should be the most primary risk for the Kathmandu Company. Secondly, shared ownership can lead to conflict over goals and control. The ownership and administrative power will become the main conflict between the partner and the foreign company (Swierczak, 1994). In order to control and make the biggest profit to their own company, both local and foreign company adopts various approaches to attain the beneficial position in the joint-venture company. Such as, increasing the investment and controlling the resources. Balancing the advantages and disadvantages for the Kathmandu Company to select the entry modes in Chinese market, joint-venture is the ideally entry modes for the company. However, which Chinese partner should be selected by the Kathmandu is another issue. 5. 2 Selection of the Chinese partner There are a great number of local outdoor or sport brands in China. However, it is difficult to find a well-known outdoor sport brand because of the new outdoor market. Thus selecting a famous sport equipment company as the joint-venture partner is the best selection for Kathmandu Company. The Chinese sport companies include 361, ERKE, ANTA, PEAK, DOUBLE STAR, Xtep and LI NING (Chinese sport research, 2011). According to LI NING annual report 2010, the capitalization of the company has reached 8. 387 billion and has had 8156 sales shops in 1800 cities in China, and The number of LI NING brand retail stores is 7478 Moreover, LI NING has the highest reputation as the company is sponsoring several of Chinese sport national teams. The company already cooperated with AIGLE, LOTTO and Kason using joint-venture entry modes, which means that LI NING has had sufficient experience on such entry modes, and the high experience will assists the Kathmandu to reduce the risks on joint-venture (LI NING, 2011). Therefore, LI NING should be the most appropriate joint-venture partner for the Kathmandu Company, the large number of LI NING sales network and capitalization will contribute the convenience to the Kathmandu to enter into Chinese outdoor market. 6. CONCLUSION China has become the biggest market for the foreign company duo to the rapid development of economy and society. Such development specifically expressed in the GDP and the average disposable personal income continually increase, which also represent high purchasing power in China. In the same period, the fast development of Chinese outdoor sport market contributes to the high demand not only for the outdoor clothing and equipment but also for the advanced technologies of the outdoor equipment in the Chinese outdoor market, and the lower strong competitors also provide a God-given opportunity for the Kathmandu outdoor equipment company to enter such ideally market. Hence, how to enter Chinese market will be the first issue faced by every foreign company manager. The joint-venture entry modes should be the possible modes selected by the foreign company, particularly, the Kathmandu Company duo to the lower cost, easily access the market. The Kathmandu enables to use the local resources and Guan Xi network of the LI NING Company, which are the weaknesses of the Kathmandu, via joint-venture in order to become a successful company operating in China after into the outdoor market. Both companies will obtain the benefits that they want from joint-venture entry modes. 7. REFERENCES Beamish, P. W. ,Banks, J. C. 2001. Equity joint ventures and the theory of the multinational enterprise. Journal of International Business Studies, 18(2):1-16. Chinese Customs, 2011, â€Å"Export Procedure†, viewed: 20 May 2012, from http://www. customs. gov. cn/publish/portal0/. Chen, H. 2002, An analysis of determinants of entry mode and its impact on performance, Int. Bus. Rev. , 11 (2002), pp. 193–210. Chinese News, 2011, The demand of copper is recovering to the level before financial crisis, viewed: 20 May, 2012, from. http://www.chinanews. com/cj/2011/06-13/3108018. shtml Chinese Outdoor Sport Association 2012, â€Å"report of Chinese outdoor sport situation†, viewed: 20 May 2012, from http://www. iouter. com/. Ilkka A. Ronkainen, 2007, International marketing, Cengage Learning, 2007, p417-422. Joseph Simone, â€Å"Criminal Enforcement Against Counterfeiters†, China Business Review, 29/6 (2002): 22-23; Timothy Trainer, â€Å"The Fight Against Trademark Counterfeiting,† China Business Review, 29/6 (2002): 20-24. Kathmandu Annual Report, 2012, Introduction of Kathmandu, viewed 17 May, 2012, from homepage: http://www. kathmandu. com. au/. Kobrin, op. cit. ; Minor, op. cit. ; Charles Hill, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, 4th Edition (Bostom, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2003), p. 47. Lining Annual Report, 2011, Introduction of Lining, viewed 17 May, 2012, from http://www. lining. com/eng/global/home. php. National Bureau of Statistics, 2011, â€Å"situation of Chinese economic†, viewed 17 May, 2012, from http://www.stats. gov. cn/. National Development Reform Commission, 2011, â€Å"situation of Chinese market development†, viewed 17 May, 2012, from http://www. sdpc. gov. cn/. Peter Liesch, and Duncan Poulson, 2008, â€Å"An Unconventional Approach to Intellectual Property: The Case of an Australian Firm Transferring Shipbuilding Technologies to China,† Journal of World Business, 35/1 (2000): 1-20. Swierczak, F. W. 1994, Culture and conflict in Joint Venture in Asia, International Journal of Project Management, 12 (1) (1994), pp. 39–47.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

cold :: essays research papers

Kelley - guitar Scooter - vocals/guitar Jeremy - bass Sam - drums Terry - guitar After the dawn of Alternative Rock, dozens of bands began focusing their negative energy to create spiteful songs that resonated with crashing guitars and howling, pain-stricken vocals. Depression and frustration became the emotional conditions of the hour, and the music scene became glutted with groups that either feigned despair, or were so bleak they became inextricably tangled in their own gloom. Today, in an era where angst and volume have become passe, there are still a handful of bands that choose to internalize anguish and regurgitate it as a visceral, deeply moving melody. One of those is Jacksonville, Florida's Cold, but Cold aren't your average self-immolating neo-grunge outfit. While numerous heavy riffing alternative bands wallow in their pain, Cold revel in the dark, celebrating its tense, inviting grip and embracing its all-consuming energy. "I'm happy with the darkness," says frontman Scoot Ward. "I've had a negative outlook for so long. And the way I see stuff has always been bleak, so I've learned to make that good. I just like to write songs that express how I feel." Cold's self-titled album voices the band's nihilistic outlook with lumbering beats, twisting guitar lines, surging rhythms and rough, raspy vocals. But while the group is certainly in touch with its inner hostility, the members are also aware that beauty and ugliness need to co-exist in order to present a balanced equation. "We're influenced by lots of different stuff, not just heavy music," says Ward. "We like Tool and Black Sabbath, but we also love Radiohead and even Sarah McLachlan. I was really into the Cure and Depeche Mode when I was growing up, and Sam was really into Kiss and Sabbath. Our stuff is just a mixture of all the things we like. There's nothing wrong with melody as long as it's still got emotion in it." You can accuse Cold of being cynical or negative, but no one could possibly call them shallow or unfeeling. Their debut disc shudders with emotional revelations as cathartic as primal scream therapy. From the disoriented fury of Kelley Hayes' guitar lines to the heartfelt hopelessness of Ward's ravaged howls, Cold is a band that's not afraid to expose its true voice. The first single "Go Away," which builds from a deep, bopping groove to a churning wall of despondency, is a rant against the selfish and ungrateful.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Linguistic Stereotypes Essay -- Research Papers Language Essays Langua

Linguistic Stereotypes Language is a method in which individuals communicate in order to get their opinion across to the listening party. Language is the tool which ideas can be conveyed in various ways. Typically, language is referred to verbal communication, however, it ranges to all methods of communication i.e. sign language. Linguistic stereotypes are an existent form of discrimination. Since, languages are criticized and mocked due to the connection between language and cultural character. Thus, language is significantly related to the identity of the speakers. In addition, languages are vulnerable to criticism due to differences in cultural behavior. Firstly, according to ‘’ identity is defined as the variety of characteristics by which an individual is recognizable as a member of a group. Or in simpler terms the individuality of a person which makes him part of a society or creates a cultural connection or resemblance. These characteristics can be religion, culture and any other form of behavior that shows a sign of distinction. A personal interpretation is, the link established between an individual and a group which have unique characteristics. Language has a personality and a mood, created by the behavior of the speakers and their cultural identity. Moreover, this includes the tools speaker use to communicate through i.e. sign language. Languages can be described by human emotions and feelings; therefore, language is personified and dynamic. Historical events have lead to changes in languages in caused flexibility and dynamicity of language. Globalization and colonization also had an effect in word borrowing, and many languages have been altered due to this. Languages are also interpre... ...conversation and mood. Finally, the media’s involvement in creating stereotypes, and their ability to harness linguistics to establish links between language and identity. Comedians use accents as a method of criticizing a group of people and referencing to cultural behavior. Therefore, Linguistic stereotypes occur due to the association between language and the identity of a group of speakers. Works Cited: Preston, Dennis R. ‘Do you speak American?’ 27 April 2005. . Rabidcow. ‘Language Stereotypes’. 26 April 2005. Spark ‘Casablanca, study guide’, 27 April 2005. . ‘ Definition of Identity’

Friday, October 11, 2019

How is Lady Macbeth presented by Shakespeare? Essay

How is Lady Macbeth presented by Shakespeare? In what ways does she change through the course of the play, and how does this affect the audience’s response? Introduction Macbeth is a Scottish play written by William Shakespeare between 1603 and 1606 and the links between King James and this tragedy are evident. The themes presented in this play are ambition, desire, and succession to the thrown, loyalty, order and greed. I will be analysing how Shakespeare portrays and presents Lady Macbeth through different stages and events in the play. Para 1 The audience first meets Lady Macbeth in Act 1 scene 5. She is reading Macbeth’s letter alone. After reading the letter she displays her thoughts about Macbeth becoming the king. The audience is instantly shown that Lady Macbeth is ambitious, as the first words she utters are, â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be† This shows that she believes that Macbeth will be the thane of Cawdor. However, she describes Macbeth’s flaws as well as his qualities in negative and positive images, † †¦I do fear thy nature, It is too full o’th’milk of human kindness.† Lady Macbeth is saying that Macbeth’s kindness to others is a weakness in his nature and character. Also, that it may adversely affect him becoming the king as he is not ruthless. She says that this ruthlessness ‘illness’ that Macbeth doesn’t have, saying Macbeth will take any opportunity that comes his way, but he only wants to win his honours honestly. He wants to be king even though the throne is not his by right, but he will not play falsely. Lady Macbeth decides that she will have to help him to find the necessary determination. The audience can see that Lady Macbeth is domineering and ambitious. We learn that Macbeth’s wife is ‘his dearest partner of greatness’. This salutation may suggest that he looks toward her for help as she possesses a power and supremacy that he sees. She has power over him and he obeys her. However, they do love each other as is shown=== Q The captain describes Macbeth as brave and determined as is described earlier in the play, ‘For brave Macbeth (well deserves that name †¦which smoked with bloody execution.† The captain praises Macbeth’s savagery in battles because it has preserved the rightful king and has shown Macbeth to be loyal. Lady Macbeth also agrees that her husband is determined and loyal when she says, ‘woulds’t not play false’ (p.35, line 20) However, she believes that he is to weak and kind and would not kill to get his way. Para 2 In this soliloquy in act 1 scene 5. A messenger comes to tell Lady Macbeth that King Duncan will arrive that night. Lady Macbeth is excited, seeing this as the perfect opportunity to make Macbeth king. She calls the spirits of darkness to take away her natural womanliness and to fill her instead with the worst of bitterness, wickedness and cruelty so that she can help Macbeth commit this act. She does not want any natural feelings of regret or conscience to get in the way of what she intends. â€Å"Come, you spirits†¦ †¦unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull Of direst cruelty.† Like Macbeth she asks the powers of darkness to hide her thoughts so that not even the forces the forces of heaven can see through the ‘blanket of the dark’. So the true nature is concealed. A 17th century audience could find this disturbing as she is subverting the qualities and features of a typical woman. Lady Macbeth would’ve been played by a man, therefore, this speech would become more convincing and realistic. Women in the 17th were usually stereotyped as motherly, meek and complacent towards their husbands. Whereas, Lady Macbeth is an atypical woman who commands her husband. The similarities that we can draw from Lady Macbeth and the witches are uncovered when Lady Macbeth uses the word ‘raven’ as the whiches also use animals such as a cat and a frog. Para 3 At the beginning of the scene (act 1 scene 7) Macbeth informs the audience about his doubts and fears which taunt him. Macbeth convinces himself not to murder Duncan by giving three reasons, â€Å"First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against the deed.† Macbeth is stating that he is a loyal subject to King Duncan. He also says, â€Å"Then, as his host, Who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself.† He is saying that he should be protecting the king rather than trying to kill him. Lastly, Macbeth adds, â€Å"Besides, this Duncan Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been So clear in his great office, that his virtues Will plead like angels.† Macbeth’s conscience is very persuasive. He tells himself that Duncan’s goodness and kindness is such that his murder would provoke tremendous outcry. Images of heaven and hell are linked†¦ Para 4 At the beginning of Act 2 scene 2 the audience can sense that Lady Macbeth waits anxiously for Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is very nervous and agitated, â€Å"Alack! I am afraid they have awaked, And tis not done: Th’attempt and not the deed Comforms us.† This tells us that she is very panicky and doesn’t want to get caught, if she does get caught her life being a queen will be ruined. When Macbeth arrives Lady Macbeth is very happy and knows that the deed, â€Å"my husband!† she says. The murder is over and Lady Macbeth is relieved but Macbeth’s got a feeling he might get caught. Macbeth won’t take back the daggers because he is so ashamed that he has done the murder and he can’t say, â€Å"Amen.† All this happens because Lady Macbeth ignores the rules of humanity and organised society, pursuing her own ruthless motives. However, repeatedly Lady Macbeth gives the appearance of being in control but she was unable to kill the king herself, claiming he looked too much like her father, † Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t.† This feeling of guilt is a glimpse of a more human side revealed to the audience. She, too, seems to realise the wrongness of the murder. Not much later she advises her husband, â€Å"These deeds must not be thought, After these ways: so, it will make us mad.† Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth’s character is different in this scene. At the start of the scene Lady Macbeth is nervous and doesn’t want to do the murder, but Macbeth is confident and does the murder. After the murder Macbeth is scared and is in a trance of what he has done. Lady Macbeth has calmed down and regained her self-composure. Para 5 During the banquet in Act 3 scene 4, Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo sitting in his place. Lady Macbeth reacts to Macbeth by quietly accusing her husband of being a coward, as she did at the time of Duncan’s murder, â€Å"Are you a man?† (p.63). Lady Macbeth tries to attack his masculinity and state of mind by questioning it, â€Å"Why do you make such faces? When all’s done, You look but on a stool.†(p.63) She is trying to convince Macbeth that there is nothing there. Lady Macbeth says all he needs is sleep, but this is ironic, as Macbeth has ‘murdered sleep’ and Banquo has risen from his ‘sleep’. Lady Macbeth is trying to cover up for her husband’s behaviour. This behaviour is making Lady Macbeth more insecure and anxious even though she taunts Macbeth, this time she is weary. In contrast to her powerful speeches at the end of act 1, here she only suggests that he needs sleep. Once the ghost has vanished Macbeth expresses, â€Å"I am a man again.†(p.65) Lady Macbeth then utters, â€Å"You have displaced the mirth, broke the good meeting, With most admired disorder.† (p.65) The greater part of the play is devoted to this part. He is king. We see Macbeth in action, others comment on his reign of terror. Macbeth is king but he wants to be safe king where he has nothing to fear and he fears Banquo a lot because he is the only one that has seen and heard the witches tell Macbeth the prophecies: – â€Å"To be thus is nothing, But to be safely thus: our fears in Banquo Stick deep, and in his royal nature Reigns that which would be feared.† Macbeth’s tells the murderers that they were treated badly by Banquo and this is the time to kill him, but Macbeth doesn’t want to get involved in the murder. He wants the murderers to get the blame. The murderers do whatever they are commanded: – â€Å"We shall my lord, Perform what you command us, Though our lives.† This is a sign that being King Macbeth means getting so much respect. In comparison from the moment he is crowned king. Macbeth executes a reign of terror that has already started with the killing of Duncan, together with his wife he is ruthless in pursuing his own selfish aims. He organises the death of those whom he se †¦ Macbeth: Lady Macbeth’s Character Lady Macbeth is a controversial figure. She is seen by some as a woman of strong will who is ambitious for herself and who is astute enough to recognise her husband’s strenghts and weaknesses, and ruthless enough to exploit them. They see her in her commitment to evil and in her realisation that the acquisition of the Crown has not brought her the hapipiness she had expected, and finally, as one who breaks down nuder the strain. Others see her as a woman ambitious for her husband whom she loves. She recognises the essential good in him, and feels that, without her, he will never win the Crown. She allies herself with the powers of darkness for his sake, but here inherent(congenital) femininity beraks down under the strain of the unnatural murder of Duncan and the alienation of her husband. She is seen as simple and realistic where Macbeth is complicated and imaginative. She can see what must be done; he visualises the consequence. There is a vast difference between Macduff’s â€Å"O gentle Lady ‘Tis not for you to hear what I can speak The repetition in a woman’s ear Would murder as it fell.† ACT II, Sc.ii and Malcolm’s assessment of her as a â€Å"fiend-like queen† (Act IV, Sc.vii). So we must examine the text. To Macbeth, in his letter to her, she is his â€Å"dearest partner of greatness†, an indication of love and trust. We see her as she analyses his virtues and weaknesses and decides to overcome his scruples, â€Å"hie thee hither That I may pour my spirits at thine ear† Is there any evidence here as to why she wishes him to be king? Overcome By Ambition – When she calls on the powers of evil to unsex her and make her cruel, does this imply that she fears her own womanliness and realises the unnaturalness of the murder of Duncan? Is she, like Macbeth just an ordinary human being overcome with ambition? Does she really lose her womanliness? Do the words(Act I, Sc. ii) â€Å"Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t† imply that she is still a woman with a woman’s tendernesss? Does she show herself strong willed and more determined than Macbeth, Act I, Sc.vii, as she argues and demands his agreement to the murder? Is she alloy by exploiting his love for her when she makes his consent to murder a test of his love? Is she being cynical when she inverts logic and reality in asking him if he is afraid to be what he wants to be and in suggesting that to be a true man he must take what he wants? Must she take some of Macbeth’s guilt here? In the murder scene (ActII, Sc.ii) she resorts to wine to give her courage. Does this also show that she has not been filled from top to toe with â€Å"direst cruelty†? She is aware, too, that dwelling on the moral aspect of the murder â€Å"will make us mad†. The Better Criminal? – She seems to be the better criminal; she remembers the details that Macbeth has overlooked, â€Å"Why did you bring these daggers from the place?† and shows her as she brings the daggers back. Does she really despise Macbeth when she argues him of wearing â€Å"a heart so white†? Or is she afraidfor him that he may betray himself? In Act II, Sc.ii, when she calls for help does she do so because of her feminie weakness, or is she afraid that Macduff may question Macbeth further as to his killing of the chamberlains? If the latter, does it again illustrate her quick thinking? Unhappiness – In Act III, Sc.ii, Lady Macbeth is coming to realise that the Crown has not brought happiness, â€Å"Nought’s had, all’s spent, Where our desire is got without content.† Is she suffering from remorse here, or does she think that the murder of Duncan has alienated Macbeth from her? â€Å"How now, my Lord! Why do you keep alone?† Is she worried that he is unhappy? She tries to console him, â€Å"what’s done is done.† and to rally his spirits. She again shows her presence of mind in the Ghost scene when he becomes ‘unmanned’, but then, she does not see the Ghost. She uses the old stragedy of appealing to his manliness, but without success. When the guests have departed she does not upbraid Macbeth, but makes excuses for him that he lacks â€Å"the season of all natures, sleep.† Does this show her gentleness and compassion towards him? Or does she feel that further argument would be useless? The Sleep-Walking Scene – We do not meet her again until this scene. She has now been reduced to a poor, mad creature, broken by events. Our last view of her is her delusion of nearness to Macbeth. Is there a stress on her sense of guilt, her despair and, perhaps still, her determination? Macbeth’s few words about her (Act V,Sc.v) may be uttered in an indifferent tone, or even with a sense of something already lost. In the end, perhaps, we feel guilty for her, but we may still remember what appeared to be hardness and cruelty. +Persuading Macbeth She says that he is acting as if he were drunk when he clothed himself in his hopes to become king. In a powerful speech she explains how far she would ne prepared to go to get what she wanted. Lady Macbeth tells him that if, like him, she had sworn to do something, then, before she would go back on her word, she would ‘pluck her own baby from sucking milk at her nipple and dash its brains out’.